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As soon as Taehyung sees them on the university grounds, he stops the roommates and pulls them to the side, hoping to be undisturbed. "I am so glad that you decided to come early, that too on a Monday."

While Yoongi just looks at him questioningly, Jimin is clearly excited. "We heard something interesting and wanted to know if the rumor was true. Now that you're here, Tae, you can tell us. Were your sister and Jeongguk messing around yesterday? The whole dorm is talking about it."

This is a disaster for Taehyung, of course it wouldn't stay a secret if his sister was involved. There's no need to lie to his friends. "Yeah, Misun brought him to my apartment yesterday to tell me the news. They both apparently want to go on dates first to find out if they are a good match. It all sounds like a good idea, but they're planning on using my home to be undisturbed and we all know what that means! "Taehyung's voice gets louder towards the end, he still hates this idea with all his heart.

Even Yoongi is suddenly interested in the topic. "Are you saying that you're going to watch them kiss, cuddle and look in love?" He feels very sorry for him. "Tae, you can't do that to yourself, you have to tell her!" He's worried about his friend.

"No, definitely not. If he can make Sunny happy, I'll be the last one to stand in her way." Taehyung looks at both of them thoughtfully before speaking his thoughts. "This is my opportunity to get over Jeongguk. It's perfect. He would never accept my feelings anyway, and now I can start to forget him."

"By seeing him more often now, with Sunny of all? I think that's a stupid idea, I'm sorry Tae, but you're dumb if you think that's going to work." Jimin is on Yoongi's side. "Tell her, they're not together yet, you can still secure your heart."

"He's right, you can still prevent it. What if you could get over him on your own but this whole thing makes you even more aware that he's exactly what you want? I can't watch you ruin yourself because of it." As his best friend, Yoongi knows him well. Taehyung sacrifices himself to make his sister happy, that's just bullshit. Misun would understand She would never want to harm her brother. Even if that means that neither of them can be with Jeongguk. What's so special about him anyway?

"Then I'll just smile and wait until I find someone I can love instead. We should go inside now, I don't feel like sitting in the front row. Professor Jang spits when he talks." Taehyung gives them a look that clearly tells the others that the topic has now ended.

"Do what you think is best, we'll be there for you when you need us." Jimin gives Yoongi a light nudge to the ribs to get him to agree.

"Taehyung knows that I'm always there for him, I don't have to mention that explicitly." His mood is down, Yoongi just wanted his ex to be happy, not going through whatever he's getting himself into. "I'm sorry Jim, I didn't mean to imply that you aren't."

"It's okay, I understand." Jimin puts his arm around the older's shoulders.

Taehyung watches his friends and realizes that no matter what, he will never be alone.

Two days later, Jeongguk and Misun are back on his doorstep. At least this time his sister announced it, so that he could prepare himself mentally. Okay, who is he kidding, he could never prepare himself mentally. All Taehyung can do is hope that the couple won't be too touchy with each other.

"Hey, nice to see you again Sunny." Taehyung takes the jacket from her to hang it on the hook. "Jeongguk." He refuses to say anything more to him but for his sister he at least greets the younger.

"Taehyung." Jeongguk doesn't even look at him when he speaks. He would rather be somewhere else with Misun right now. He wonders why Taehyung accepts all of this since they don't have a good relationship with one another. Could it be that he doesn't want to tell his sister about them? It's the only explanation why Misun brings him over to him and seems very happy. Anyway, he doesn't care. She's pretty and really nice. He thinks there could be something more that starts to develop on his part, there's nothing that implies against it. Even if he has to meet her brother more often from now on.

"What have you planned for tonight?" With feigned interest, Taehyung tries to disguise the strange mood between him and Jeongguk.

Misun collapses on the couch as if it's her own place, which somehow it is. "First we order something to eat, then we watch a movie. You could say it's a typical date. It's important to me that you both get to know each other better and become friends. You can't say no Tete." She says the last sentence emphatically, knowing that her brother doesn't want to disturb her and Jeongguk and is about to leave the apartment.

"Can I at least call Yoongi? I don't feel like being the third wheel while you're all lovey-dovey." He pouts and can see Jeongguk roll his eyes. At some point they will get stuck, Taehyung is already waiting for this moment.

"Hey babe, that sounds like a double date." Jeongguk puts his hand on Misun's knee and squeezes it lightly.

Taehyung has to hold back so he doesn't knock it away. "It won't be a date, as I mentioned before, Yoongi and I are just friends."

"Who kiss every now and then, I remember." Jeongguk obviously enjoys teasing his enemy, there's no doubt about that.

It takes some strength for Taehyung not to lean over and push him off the sofa. "Yes exactly." Instead, he forces an eye smile. "I would be foolish to stop because Yoongi is a damn good kisser."

"Then give him a call, I would love to get to know him." Jeongguk doesn't give up, joins Taehyung's game.

"Okaaay." With a glance back and forth between the two, Misun decided to try and break the sudden tension, what's happening here? "I think I'll order the food, what would you like?"

When some time has passed and Taehyung asked his friend to come over and save the evening, Yoongi and the meal arrive almost at the same time. The new worst night of his life can finally start, but it most certainly won't be the last.

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