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The first two hours pass without any major problems. Here and there he hears a few students talking about him and Jeongguk, but ignores it. Now, however, comes the biggest challenge; Photography with the younger. Taehyung’s hands start to get sweaty, his heart is beating up to his neck when he stands in front of the door that separates him from Jeongguk. Unfortunately, he cannot skip, there's a project ahead which will make up a large part of his grade. Fortunately, the participants can choose their partners themselves, which means that he doesn't have to fear that the professor will pair him with his crush.

Many eyes are fixed on him as he finally enters the room. The easels are pushed aside and everyone sits in one of the few rows to be able to listen attentively in a few minutes. Today the topic of the project will be announced. Taehyung hopes it's something he can work well with.

He hears someone calling his name and looks for the person. His eyes meet Jeongguk's, who waves at him happily. Taehyung smiles with mixed feelings and makes his way to the row he's in. "Hey." He tries to ignore the pullover, which has already given him enough of a stomach ache today.

“Hey yourself. How are you?" Jeongguk points to the free space next to him.

Taehyung takes a seat. It's the first time since they became friends again that they sit next to each other in this course. It feels good, like the old days. "Well, I'd have preferred to sleep longer, but what's new?" He chuckles, a big burden falls from his shoulders when he notices that Jeongguk is acting completely normal. That can only mean one thing, he has no idea what's going on and Taehyung plays along. "How are you?"

“I'm pretty excited. The professor is too late and you know that the project starts today. Speaking of, would you like to be my partner for this? I mean, only if that's okay with you. We always worked well together back then and I need a good grade." Jeongguk nervously plays with his hands as he speaks. It's obvious that he's not sure what his answer will be.

Taehyung finds it endearing. He should be the one who's nervous. It's a welcome change. "Yes, me too. I'd love to do it with you. Do you know if the groups are of two people or do we have to look for another person?" Of course he hopes that it works out like that, wants to do this with him alone. Another thing that's on the tip of his tongue, but he didn't let himself get carried away to say, was that it meant that they wouldn't have to compete with each other again. He definitely prefers it, though.

Jeongguk sighs but leans back, relaxed. “I honestly have no idea. We’ll see."

At this moment the door opens and the professor enters the room. The students go quiet and wait expectantly for what he has to say.

It starts harmlessly. The older man explains different topics that can be chosen. It doesn't matter whether several people choose the same thing, as long as one does not copy from each other.

Next comes the group assignment and Taehyung is the first to raise his hand. "Mister Lee, if it's possible to do this in pairs, Jeon Jeongguk and I would like to work together." He can see the younger smile out of the corner of his eye and it brings a smile to his lips too.

“Yes, that’s okay. Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jeongguk, at the end of the lesson let me know which topic you have decided on. Who's next?" The professor turns to the other students while Taehyung turns to Jeongguk.

“Okay, that wasn't so hard. Do you have something that you really want to do?" With a piece of paper from his notebook in front of him and a pen in hand, he waits for an answer to write it down. He can't choose between three himself, so he hopes the other has a favorite.

Jeongguk nods and shows him his own notes. “I liked the black and white theme very much. To catch at least forty strangers in different situations for a month that we don't know. Second, if you don't like it, I wrote down the animal topic. I think this could be fun but also very interesting."

Taehyung ponders shortly before giving his opinion. “I've heard some people here want to take pictures of strangers and I have to admit that I'd like to do something different. The animals were also at the top of my list. We could go to the zoo or visit a farm. There are many ways to get good photos." Taehyung remembers seeing two dogs playing in the park three days ago. Sadly he left his camera at home that day, which he now regrets, but there will definitely be many more situations in which they can capture great shots.

“Great! Then let's do it. Do you have time on Saturday?" Jeongguk is very enthusiastic, it seems like he can't wait to get started.

“Oh, to be honest, I don't. Remember, I have a date with Soojin." Taehyung rubs the back of his neck. He sees the pout and tries his best not to say that he can cancel it. Soojin was so happy, he couldn't do that to him.

"Right. I had already forgotten that. What about Monday?" Jeongguk’s voice is a little quieter than before, the disappointment clearly audible.

“Monday after uni works fine. Just message me when and where, and I'll be there." It's very difficult for Taehyung to stay strong. He would love to spend every day with him, but he also has to think about himself. They’re just friends and friends have plans with other people from time to time. Well, couples as well but that's beside the point. 

"I'll pick you up around four if that's okay." It's remarkable how Jeongguk gets a grip on himself from one second to the next. The disappointment is nowhere to be seen, instead he has a permanent smile on his face, probably fake.

Taehyung isn't stupid, of course he knows that it's fake but he doesn't mention it. "Perfect, I'll get some snacks ready and you bring something to drink."

After all of this was clarified, they informed the professor of their decision, then parted ways. Both have a month to complete the project. Not only do pictures have to be taken, but also a small meaningful description and, if you want to receive a better grade, a background report should be added.

Everyone knows that Jeongguk and Taehyung are the best of this course, so expectations are correspondingly high.

The time until the date goes by quickly. But the rumors won't go away, not even by Saturday. Soojin, however, looks cute as always. His blond hair freshly dyed and Taehyung is sure that he even applied light makeup.

The young men greet each other as they stand in front of the small café. Taehyung wants to keep it casual, which is why he didn't pick him up from home.

Misun had informed him an hour ago that she and Jeongguk had decided at short notice to meet today as well and are now also on a date. As you might expect, this makes Taehyung a little uneasy. What if they run into each other? It wouldn't be good, not good at all. He tries not to think about Jeongguk when Soojin is with him. Though, that's easier said than done, because some of the things the younger does reminds him a lot of him. For example, he wrinkles his nose while laughing or tries to get some relief by cracking his neck. It seems like he visits the gym regularly, if the muscular upper arms that his short-sleeved shirt expose is an indication. 

Soojin is fun to be with. Taehyung compares him to Seokjin and Jimin. The two always bring a good mood to the group when they are out. It confirms that Soojin can never be more than a friend as long as Jeongguk is single. He has absolutely no interest in being intimate with his date. 

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