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It's been a week since that night. Taehyung didn't see Jeongguk much and also avoided his sister. He's currently pacing his living room. That one sentence Jeongguk said won't leave his mind. 'I was about to fall in love with you.' He knew that there was a certain affection on his part as well, but he would never have thought that it was already this advanced. Taehyung is mad at himself, but mostly at Woojin. Why did this bastard have to screw everything up? If it hadn't been for him, Jeongguk would probably be here, cuddling with him in front of the television, while kisses would be exchanged here and there. Fuck him, Song Woojin! May he rot in hell.

Taehyung loves his sister too much to steal her boyfriend. Okay, he knows it's not a competition and that Jeongguk would have to decide this. But if he won't let it come as far as to make Jeongguk choose, then there won't be a problem, right? What cannot be prevented, however, and he doesn't want to prevent this at all, is that he could finally be friends with him again. It will take Jeongguk a while to be ready, but Taehyung can wait. For him, it's important to have him steadily in his life again. He envies Misun, she can have everything that he can't, because he messed up.

The ringing of his phone pulls him out of his trail of thoughts. He sees his sister's picture on the display and sighs. "It's time to stop avoiding you or you'll get suspicious." He accepts the call by pressing the green symbol. "Hey Sunny."

"Tae! Finally, I can reach you. It's easier to get the president on the phone than you. What have you been doing all week?" Misun's pout can be heard clearly. Her voice gets higher and she sounds like a child.

"I had to be a little to myself. Did you talk to Jeongguk?" Taehyung has to make sure he doesn't get ahead of him. He has to figure out what she already knows, doesn't want to tell too much because Jeongguk should be the one doing it.

Misun clears her throat. "If you mean that he needs some distance because of your convo, the answer is yes." She pauses for a moment. "He told me that you guys were talking and there seemed to be some kind of misunderstanding that led to your feud. Tae, are you okay now? I, uh, I'm standing in front of your door and when you're ready I would love to spend the rest of the day with you. I can stay the night too?" Even if it sounds like a question, he knows that she would be very sad if he'd say no. Maybe it's time to stop moping.

Taehyung goes to open the door for her. As soon as he sees his sister, he ends the call. "Hey, hug me." With one quick movement, he gets pulled into a crushing hug and held by Misun for more than ten seconds. His nose is buried in her hair as he takes a deep breath. She always uses good smelling shampoo. "I'm glad you're here. How did you know I needed you?"

Misun shrugs. "It's probably a twins thing." After Taehyung has pulled her slowly to the living room, she goes into the kitchen to get something to drink for them.

"Probably. What are all the others doing who don't have a twin? I feel sorry for them." Taehyung chuckles. "In any case, I'd never trade." He sits down and takes the bottle of Coke. "Thanks sis."

"You're welcome bro." She winks at him and lets herself fall down next to him. "Ah, I missed this so much. It's incredibly cozy here." Misun caresses the seat with her palm, pretending it's been months since she was last in his apartment.

Taehyung can't help but laugh at this. "You should also look for an apartment. There're many advantages. One of them is that mom and dad won't always know everything you're doing." He wanted to mention Jeongguk, but held back.

Misun, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be able to wait to take up this topic. "Guk said the same thing. Speaking of him, I think you have something to tell me, don't you?" She takes his hand and turns to him so that they can look at each other.

"What did he say? I don't want to tell you something that he's not ready to tell you yet." Taehyung knows that any mistake on his part could make a new friendship impossible.

Misun bites her lower lip and tries to recall everything. "The evening you all met here was when you both had a discussion, or I think it was a dare Guk had to answer. I don't know many details, just that you were hiding something and he had completely misunderstood the resulting situation." She tries to remember more and snips her fingers as finally something comes up. "Ah yes, I think it was about Woojin, the stalker asshole."

Taehyung had a hard time back then. Misun was struggling to find out why. Woojin had even threatened to harm her, that's why Taehyung avoided contact with his sister for a short time until he couldn't take it anymore. Misun is the person he goes to when he needs advice or has a problem. It was to be expected that she would find out. They texted each other at the same time that they needed to talk and it was about the same thing.

With a nod, Taehyung confirms what she said. "When Jeongguk started to ignore me, myworld collapsed. I love him and suddenly he was no longer my friend." He feels Misun squeeze his hand, and becomes aware of what he just said. His eyes widen, his face shows his despair. "Sunny, I-"

"Tae, don't you dare lie to me now." She holds his hand so tight, that her brother tries to pull back. "It's okay. I was hiding something from you too."

This brings Taehyung's attention back to her. "Oh. What is it?" He wonders why his sister isn't mad. Jeongguk is her crush after all, and he just told her that he loves him.

"Please don't be angry with Yoongi, he had no other choice." Misun waits for a reaction which comes in the form of a raised eyebrow. "He told me that you like Guk but that you were trying to get over him because of me."

"Oh my God, I am so sorry. Please believe me when I say that I'll never get in your way. He likes you and I support the both of you. You already have my blessings." Taehyung panics. He didn't want it to come out that way. Yoongi will hear from him.

"Kim Taehyung. Stop interrupting me and don't blame Yoongi for it!" Misun raises her finger admonishingly. "You should be grateful to him. My crush on Jeongguk wasn't even deep or serious. He's just cute and a nice guy, nothing more. When I found out that you had liked him for a long time, I had to do something. Yoongi told me that Jeongguk can't stand you for unknown reasons. We came to the conclusion that we have to help you find out why, so that you can become friends again and maybe even more. I have to admit that it worked faster than expected." She giggles.

Taehyung can't believe what he just heard. "Does that mean that all of the dates I had to go on with you guys were part of the plan?"

"Exactly. The situation in the park was a masterpiece on my part." Misun uses a deeper voice to say the next sentence. "We can't have a relationship if you don't get along with my brother." She makes a funny face with a scrunched nose and wrinkled eyes.

"Shut up! That was part of the plan?" Taehyung should be mad at her, but if he's honest, he thinks it's funny. "Woah, my sister's a really good actress. But Sunny, Jeongguk likes you very much, you're gonna break his heart. If you can imagine being with him, then let him decide. Forcing him to like me would make me feel very uncomfortable." All Taehyung wants is for Jeongguk to be happy, be it with his sister or someone else. He doesn't believe that the younger will suddenly fall in love with him again just because he now knows the truth. It would be far too unrealistic and fast.

"Okay, but I insist that you both meet every now and then to get to know each other. I'm pretty sure that there's a lot of catching up to do. That doesn't mean I want to force it, I just want you to sort this out and at least become friends again." Misun smiles at him, Taehyung knows that his sister is a good person and proves it more often than not. Even if you can find her at every party, most likely not sober, that doesn't mean that she's a daredevil. He can't trust anyone more than his sister, regrets that he has kept his feelings for Jeongguk a secret from her. But he also believes that everything has a purpose and therefore he suppresses the feeling of remorse and replaces it with something positive; Hope.

The twins decide to talk about other things for the rest of the evening while watching different series they both like. A week without his twin sister was way too long. Taehyung lays his head on her lap and enjoys it when she begins to play with his hair.

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