25 *kind of M*

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Only when they both enter the apartment does Jeongguk let go of him and go into the kitchen as if he were living there. "I'll get the hot chocolate ready, you go turn on the music."

"Okay baby." Taehyung uses a voice that makes it known that he's joking about the pet name. It feels good to call him that, though. The feeling as if a thousand bubbles were popping in his stomach puts him in a kind of euphoria. This is really happening. This is what it could be like if they ever get together. No, it can get a thousand times better! Small pecks here and there. Long, extensive make-out sessions. Taehyung would definitely go into the kitchen and distract him and what that would lead to is no secret. Finally getting those thick thighs that he can grasp and mark with his mouth. No place would remain untouched, that's for sure. Yes, Taehyung is definitely sex deprived. It's been far too long since someone satisfied him. A shame, honestly.

Fuck. Just thinking about it was a big mistake. His pants suddenly feel a lot tighter than before. Jeongguk’s thighs are to blame.

"No music? What distracted you? " Jeongguk comes back with two cups of the brown liquid and puts them on the table.

Taehyung tries to cover his lap with a pillow as quickly as possible. Much too obvious, now that he thinks about it.

Jeongguk bites his lower lip sideways, his gaze wanders to the spot the older tries to hide. “I see how it is. How come?" Was he trying to do a wordplay? 

Taehyung whines. "Guk, please stop. Let's just, I don't know, watch a movie or play a game. Oh wait, Sunny has my Playstation..."

“How unfortunate. I really wanted to play against you. I'm not in the mood for a movie. Maybe we could talk a little?" He sits down next to the older and grabs a cup to drink from. He moans into it. 

That sound, Taehyung would like to hear in a different situation. Okay, focus, he scolds himself. "Sure, let's talk." They both talked about so much today. He has no idea what topic to bring up.

"Sunny and I aren’t gonna date each other anymore." Well, Jeongguk seems to know exactly what to talk about.

“Mmm, she hinted at something like that. Can I ask why?" This is the opportunity to learn more.

“She found someone else who interests her. I should have been disappointed but we're better off as friends." Jeongguk's leg moves slightly to the left, touching Taehyung's.

"I see. It's good that you aren’t mad or upset. I mean it went well between you guys and it's a real shame." It's not entirely a lie that he thinks like that, though, the joy outweighs it. Taehyung tries to ignore the touch. He tries not to push back for more friction. The warmth disperses in his body. Why is it suddenly so hot here?

"I don't know, should I open a window?" Jeongguk grins and is about to get up but is held back.

"What why?" Shit, did he say that out loud? He's got to be more careful with what he's saying.

"Well, are you warm or not?" Jeongguk also presses his shoulder and upper arm against him. He obviously enjoys teasing Taehyung.

"Jeongguk, what are you doing?" The elder's voice is barely audible. He doesn't want him to stop, however, he doesn't know what all of this could lead to. Maybe to something that both of them regret afterwards and he won't let it come to that.

“Nothing. Just talking to you." Jeongguk leans away from him to relax on the backrest. A sigh leaves his mouth. “I think I'm more interested in someone else than your sister. He's really handsome and nice. I've known him for a while and, with a short break in between, I've always had feelings for him. Should I ask him out officially?"

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