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Fortunately, the rest of the week is rather calm. Taehyung decided to ignore Jeongguk's presence and can fully concentrate on his studies. But Misun is also not available for him, which makes him sad and lonely in his apartment. He gets it though, it's normal that she wants to see the person she wants to be in a relationship with. This will hopefully change as soon as they start officially dating and his sister comes over more often again.

Taehyung's slowly coming to terms with the fact that Misun will be with the man he would have loved to have himself. Intervening is out of the question, even if things between him and Jeongguk are difficult. Sunny means the world to him and she was just faster. He will do everything so that she can be happy, even if this means that he has to suffer for a while.

The following two weeks are entirely taken over by exams. It's exhausting, but at least the arguments between the two men have almost stopped. Only when they see each other in the art class are there arguments.

Yoongi is his only contact during this time. Seokjin is busy with Hoseok and Jimin is slowly but surely getting together with Namjoon. He's supportive of his friends.

"Tae, Sunny asked me if I have time for another double date tonight, but I said no." Yoongi accompanies Taehyung home as his building is on the way to his. He wanted to warn the younger that he is certainly gonna hear from her soon.

Taehyung whines. "I was hoping she finally decided not to include me in their relationship. Why can't she just do something with him on her own. Or ask me to spend the night somewhere else so that they can be undisturbed in my apartment?" It frustrates him, to be honest.

"You know how she is." Yoongi has no idea what to say, he's at a loss as well.

"It's been almost three weeks since both of them started this 'get-to-know each other' thing. When are they going to make it official and introduce Jeongguk to our parents? Then she can take him home and I'll have my peace. I miss seeing my sister alone and having fun with her. Will she only ever come with him to visit me?" If so, Taehyung has to tell her the truth. He cannot hide his and Jeongguk's little rivalry. The thought of this conversation gives him a stomach ache.

"Just wait and see. And don't think so negatively. What if you and Jeongguk become real friends? Maybe it's time to talk to him about why you started hating each other and finally put it in the past. It would be the perfect opportunity. If Jeongguk doesn't take the first step, be the one who does." As a good friend, Yoongi only wants the best for him. If there hadn't been no reason to clear the air so far, there is now. He should now do it for his sister.

Taehyung doesn't know if he can do this. Even if his crush is already slowly decreasing, that doesn't mean it has become easier to look him in the eyes. Of course, he knows that it has to happen sooner or later. "I'm going to need your help, Yoongi."

"I knew you'd say that, I already have an idea." The grin on Yoongi's face would certainly have made Taehyung nervous if he had seen it.

His sister's call came an hour after saying goodbye to his best friend. She announced that she would come over with Jeongguk. Now he waits impatiently while tidying up his living room and listening to classical music. Taehyung enjoys this type of music in many situations, especially when drawing. It inspires him.

What he had kept from Yoongi was that he and Jeongguk clashed today in class. Both got their work back and the reviews were positive. The art professor, however, had praised Taehyung's work more than Jeongguk's, which wasn't well received by the younger one. He made some rude comments when the professor was out of earshot. Taehyung pretended not to hear it, but Jeongguk knew better.

This visit is definitley not something he's looking forward to, because Taehyung's sure that Jeongguk will take the opportunity to annoy the fuck out of him.

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