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«into the darkness»

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«into the darkness»


LISSA BREKKER WAS currently between the state of being absolutely delirious from the lack of sleep and angry that the long ride had been for nothing as the heartrender they were supposed to get to the Little Palace with got herself abducted by fjerdans, Lissa Brekker could only hope Nina Zenik had managed to escape those bloody abominations somehow, those bloodsucking leeches had made the extinction of grisha their life mission, and it was also partly the reason Kaz had warned Lissa from time and time again to not use her powers in public, and Lissa had listened — well, listened as much as she wanted to.

"We've lost our way to the Little Palace now" said the conductor with no hint of disappointment, "This seems like a reasonable juncture to abandon this whole Sun Summoner plan."

"Abandon?" Kaz questioned with annoyance, "We're in this now, and I know what a million kruge means to me. What does it mean to you?"

"Freedom" Inej said first, and without any sort of hesitance at all.

"Fun," Jesper answered, a grin on his face as he finished his sentence, "Like, at least a few months" Lissa smacked Jesper in the back of his head, he frowned.

"Retirement" said the conductor.

"Friendship" Lissa answered with a grin, Kaz raised his eyebrows at her, she shrugged — she was sure he already knew where she went every week, but in case he didn't she was going to have fun knowing a secret that Kaz Brekker didn't have trapped under his cane.

"Right" Kaz nodded, "So we press on. Get us across the fold and I'll figure out the rest on the other side." he said to the conductor.

"Fine" he replied, "To cross, I'll need twenty pounds of alabaster coal, a peck of majdaloun jurda, uh, not the kind from Kerch — it's too weak," he then turned to look at Jesper and Lissa, both of them furrowed their brows, "And a goat"

Lissa frowned, "A goat?" she queried.

The conductor didn't answer her question, simply turning away from the girl who'd threatened him not much long ago, "Now we meet at the dead of the night. There's a wreckage of a skiff northeast, on the edge of the town, so, who gets what?"

"Inej, jurda" Kaz told the suli girl, "I'll get the goat," he then reached inside his pocket and pulled out some cash, "And Jesper — just the coal, no detours"

Lissa looked shocked, "You're trusting him with money?" she asked her brother, he didn't say anything to her — just a small shake of his head was enough to tell her what he wanted to do — he was testing Jesper. Lissa nodded, "What about me?"

"You're coming with me" Kaz said and Lissa shrugged, fine by her, as long as she didn't have to hold the goat herself — those things don't know when to stop pooping, it's quite repulsive, she guesses their cuteness does make up for that though.

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