We Need Tommy Back

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Ranboo arrived at Tubbo's side in seconds. He said his goodbyes to Micheal, and took off. Micheal was old enough to stay home, especially with a lot of guards to keep him safe. When he arrived, Tubbo was crouched behind a bush, looking at the window.

Ranboo crouched next to him, making Tubbo nearly have a heart attack. "Boo! You made it!" Ranboo smiled. "Of course I did. Now, what are we dealing with?" Tubbo sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's worse than I thought, memory boy."

"He got kidnapped by the Sleepy Coven, one of the most powerful covens. The reason why I called you...well...you're half-vampire, right?" Ranboo nodded. "Okay..so you have fangs, and you can suck blood right?" Ranboo played with his fingers. "Well, yea, but..I don't like doing it.." Tubbo raised an eyebrow. "Why not? Don't you need blood to survive?" "Uhm, no..I can eat food since I was only half bit. I think I still have the venom to turn someone though.". Tubbo sighed. "Okay, well you can still bite people and drink blood if you wanted, right?" Ranboo nodded.

"Alright, here's the plan. We go in there, you try to bite them as a distraction while I get Tommy. I'll break the window." He smirked while Ranboo was pretty nervous. "Bo, why do I have to bite them?" "Cause you're half-vampire!". Ranboo sighed. "Alright.."

"Once we get Tommy, we run to a...old friend of mine. She'll surely keep us safe. And..I'm thinking, you have the venom, right?" Ranboo looked at him confused. "Yeah, where are you going with this Bo?" Tubbo smiled. "You just turn Tommy instead! If you turn him, then they won't be able to." Ranboo widened his eyes. "That- I don't know Tubbo I- You-" Tubbo sighed. "We'll figure it out."

"Now, go! Go make a distraction big man! Revenge is the best stage of grief.."


Wilbur was reading on a chair in the main room. Phil and Techno were getting food, so it was peaceful. Tommy, his little brother, was asleep. Everything was perfect until he heard a knock on the door.

Wilbur groaned, getting up and walking to the door. Not bothering to look at who it was, he assumed it was Phil. He opened the door to reveal a man taller than him, definitely. His heterochromia eyes were fixated on him, while they were letting off a purple hue. His split dyed hair was swaying in the wind.

"You're no- AHH WHAT?!" Ranboo lunged at him, biting him. Contrary to popular belief, vampires have blood. They don't have a purpose for it, no, but it's there. Ranboo started sucking blood out of him. "W-What the fuck!? I'm not human let me go!" Wilbur knew full well if the split haired man didn't stop, he would pass out. He tried shaking his arm, but the man was strong.

He passed out right right Tubbo broke out Tommy.


Ranboo stared in disbelief as to what he just did. The brunette was laying on the floor, looking more pale than he actually was. Ranboo looked at his slightly bloodied clothes, and wipes his mouth. He's never drank any blood before.

The taste wasn't the worst, but, it was definitely not good either. The good thing is that he felt really full. It was weird. He decided he'll figure it out later. He walks outside to find a note on the ground, and footsteps in the snow.

Hey Boo! I got Tommy, and I'm heading to the place. If you follow my footsteps you'll follow me.

Make sure to destroy the footsteps though when you're done with following me.

- Your Little Medical Issue

Ranboo smiles to himself, and puts the note in his pocket before following the footsteps, not forgetting to destroy them as he walked.


When Wilbur woke up, he knew something was wrong. Instead of being on the floor, he was in his bed. Phil must've come. He walks out into the main room to find Phil extremely mad, and Techno even more mad.

"What happened?" Wilbur yawned. He couldn't remember anything from the past day? Something like that. He just assumed Tommy was asleep, and he fell asleep. He remembers being on the floor to fall asleep though. It must've been more comfy. "You don't remember, Wil? Tommy's gone! Someone drank your blood." Wilbur furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember.

"Phil, that must be the person's ability. When they drink blood from someone, it must make them not remember anything. Weird ability." Phil sighed. "We need Tommy back, we were so close!" Wilbur was confused, yes, but mad about his little brother being gone.

"I will find him, Father." Phil looked at Wilbur. "No, Wil, you couldn't go against the guy who sucked your blood! What makes you think you can get Tommy back?" Wilbur sighed. "Fine. Techno can come along."

Techno smiled. "We'll find him Dad. He loves us more than whoever took him."


When Ranboo arrived at the place, he knocked and was let in by Tubbo, he lead him to the couch. He found Tommy asleep on a chair, and a nice woman sitting on a large couch. She had pink hair and was wearing a striped sweater. Her eyes were red, a vampire, but she looked sweet.

Tubbo sat next to her. "Niki, this is Ranboo. Ranboo, this is Niki! She's a vampire, yes, but she helped me through so much. I can never hate her." Ranboo smiled. "Hi, I'm Ranboo. I- uhm- I'm half-vampire." Niki just smiled. "Hello Ranboo!"

Ranboo sighed. "How do we know you won't rat us out? I have a feeling you know some of the people from the Sleepy Coven." Niki sighed. "Yes, yes, I do. Wilbur was my best friend but..unfortunately he left me in a war to..to die. I got turned into a vampire by someone, but.." She looked at Ranboo's eyes.

"I won't rat you out. My anger towards that man, and towards his whole family is unimaginable. I hate them. So, trust me, alright? We'll get Tommy back."

Ranboo, for the first time in a long time, was scared of someone.

For Tommy, For Tubbo, ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now