Chapter 3

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"They should be here any minuet." Gemma said. I was shaking.

"You alright sweety?" Gemma asked

"Yea just a little nervous." I replied.

"Sack! Get Kelsi a shot!" She ordered. He pored me a shot of Jäger. I turned it up then slamed it back down on to the bar. The guys were suprised.

"Yea she can drink just like Bobby." Said Piney.

Me and Gemma walked back to this door and she opened it. I saw a bed and another door which I was guessing was a bathroom. I sat my stuff down.

"You'll stay here until you can afford your own place." Gemma told me sitting down on the bed. We began to talk. I told her everything, and in return she told me stuff about my dad. I was amazed at how different he was from my mom. She hated me and did horrible things to me, and from what Gemma had told me about him, he's completely  different.

A few minuets later we herd the rumble of their bikes. I was so excited.

"Come out here and sit at the bar while we go get the guys ok I'll let you know when there coming in ok?'' She said. I nodded my head yes and her and the others went outside. I noticed the wall of pictures, they were all mug shots. My jaw droped. I saw the guy from the air port but with shorter hair and no beard.

"So Clay how'd your talk with Darby go?'' I herd Juice ask. So I went back to my seat and drank my beer. They rounded  the corner.

''Great ha we're hoping we scared him enough to get him to quit dealing in Charming. He knows this is my town and there will be no dealing here." A man replied.

"Wait who the fuck is this Gem?" A man asked. I turned and looked I saw my father and smlied.

"Well guys this just happenes to be a very special person." Gemma said. They all had their eyes on me.

"Hunny come here." I walked over to her as she motioned for me to go to her.

"Bobby come here please." He did as he was told. He looked into my eyes.

"Kelsi? Is that you?" Dad asked. I smiled and began to cry. I nodded yes. He smiled back and hugged me, I hugged back. I felt loved for the first time in my life I had never felt this way before.

"Kels how did you get here? Much less find me?" He had tear rolling down his face.

"My Friends dad was in the special forces, he knew how to track people down and he gave me this address so I decided to leave mom and come here." I said to him. He hugged me again.

"Uh ok dad I can't breathe, you can let go now." I said

"Oh sorry I'm just so happy to see you!" He said releasing the hug.

"Oh guys this is my daughter Kelsi. I haven't seen her since she was 2 years old. Piney, Clay do you remember her?" He asked.

"Yea I do and I remember Madison as well stupid drunk, oh no offence." Clay said

"Ha none taken I thought I was the only one that called her that." I said smiling. Clay smiled.

"Yea and we already talked earlier." Piney said. The others introduced them selves. I was waiting to see the man I had met at the air port, but their was no sight of him. I met Tig, Chibs, Clay, and Jax.

"Ok boys we're having dinner tonight at 8:30 I expect all  of you there. I already called Opie he just got home today and can't wait to see all of y'all. Oh and Bobby, Kelsi's gonna stay here for a while ok, Jax and Op will be here to protect her." Gemma said

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