Chapter 5

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I could see Opie, but it was like I couldn't physically touch him. Jax, Tig, Chibs, and him was standing in a cricle discussing something that looked as if it was making Jax mad. I couldn't make out what they had been saying. Then out of nowhere Opie head buts one of the guards and they grabbed him. As Chibs and Tig held Jax back, the other guards threw him into a room that you could see because of the windows. Jax was screaming and so was Chibs. I could now hear them.

"Keep it interesting shit head." The guard that he had head butted said walking out of the room.

The other guard threw him a pipe as a door on the opposite side opened and four black men stepped in the room. Jax was yelling and hitting the glass. I know knew what was going to happen. Opie had the pipe. once one of the men moved Opie swung and hit him then hit two others. Then a big buff one grabbed him from behind and another hit him in the face. I was screaming but no one noticed me there. One of the men grabbed the pipe he had and hit him acros his face. I was so scared, I couldn't quit screaming. Opie was lieing on the floor, as he slowly got back to his knees he was looking strait at me.

"Opie!!! No!!!' I screamed.

As he stared at me he mouthed his last words 'I love you' he was hit in the back of his head and he fell out. I was screaming I couldn't loose him I loved him.

I could see the blood running out of his body. There lied the love of my life and i didnt even get to say goodbye....

I woke up screaming.

"What?! Whats wrong Kelsi?!" Opie asked franticly

I was in Opies arms. I began to cry I was so scared, the dream seemed so real, I really thought he was dead.

"Whats wrong Kelsi?" He asked again. I looked into his eyes.

"Y-Your- Your alive." Was all I could manage to get out of my mouth.

"Well yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He said looking at me crazy.

I burried my head in his chest and continued to cry.

"Kelsi, look at me." He said with his deep soothing voice.

I looked into his eyes and could tell that he was worried about me. He wiped away my tears.

"Opie I love you." I said.

"What?" He asked

"I Love you Op." I said again.

He looked stuned.

''Last night when i asked to sleep with you, well yeah I was scared but i mean i really just wanted to be in here with you." I told him, "But then I had a dream and you Jax Chibs and Tig was in jail and you got beat to death and I saw the whole thing. I was so scared Op I couldn't loose you!"

I was still crying. He grabed my hand

"Kels, I'm here arn't I? So everythings ok." He said.

He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it. I looked into his deep green eyes and could see that I had worried him. We kept eye contact then out of nowhere he kissed me. I tensed but slowly but surely relaxed and placed one of my hands on his bare chest and the other on the side of his face, while one of his hands was placed on the back of my head and the other on my back. As the kiss deepened he slpied his hand under my shirt and began tracing my spine.

I knew he wanted more but I couldn't. My childhood memories came racing back to me....

My mom had been bringing different guys home each night and one night while mom was drunk passed out on the floor one of them sliped in my room. I was reading one of the book my cousin Kelley had gave me and I looked up to see him standing there with his pointer finger placed on his lips saying "SHH".

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