Chapter 7

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"A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.”

Was the last thing I read when I herd my bedroom door open. I looked up and saw the man that my mom had brought home that night. He walked closer and closer holding his pointer finger over his mouth saying "SHH". As he sat on the edge of my bed and tried to kiss me i stood up.

"Get away form me!." I said

"Oh sweetheart don't you know, I like to keep in the family." He said grabbing me and throwing me down onto my bed. I can't make out what his face looks like but the upside down peace sign tattoo on his neck was all that stood out to me.


I forced myself awake, trying to get the horrible dream out of my head. But the fact of it was that it wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare that I had once again relived. Opie still wasn't in bed so I was guessing that he was still outside with the guys, so I got out of bed and put Ops t-shirt on and walked out to were they were standing.

"Hey.." I said stepping out into the cool North California air.

"hey babe what are you doing up?" Opie asked walking over to greet me with a kiss.

"I couldn't sleep so I figured I come out here with you guys" I said after breaking the kiss, and walking over to where Tig and Chibs were with Op.

"So I guess its official now huh? You and Opie?" Tig said.

I smiled then looked up at Op, waiting for him to answer.

"Yeah, after Bobby punched the shit out of me he let me explain how I feel about her and he told me that she's been hurt enough in her life and that if I hurt her then he would kill me himself." Opie said pulling me closer to his side.

Opie pulled up a chair and sat in it, then I sat in his lap. I sat quietly as he and the guys talked.

"Hey Op, when are you coming to bed?" I said standing up and interrupting there conversation.

Opie looked at the guys as if waiting for answer.

"Yeah man we got it out here, go be with her." Tig answered.

"Alright thanks brother." Opie said standing up and taking my hand.

As we walked back to our room my nightmare kept running through my head, over and over. Once we were back inside the room I sat down in my side if the bed and waited for him to come sit next to me.

"are you feeling ok?" opie asked walking over to me.

"yeah I'm fine I just couldn't sleep." I smiled lieing about what was really wrong. I didn't want to bring it up again because of how mad he had gotten before.

"oh ok then." he said going over to his side of the bed and shredding his shirt and pants to sleep comfortably. Once he was under the covers he welcomed me to cuddle with him and I happily complied. My head on his chest I drew small circles on his chest with my index finger.

"op?" I said breaking the silence

"hmm?" he asked

"I'm really happy with you." I said.

"me to babe tonight was really special for you and I'm happy that I was the one you shared it with." the smile that was already on my face grew wider.

"promise you won't hurt me op?" I asked scared of the answer. Then I felt him lean up so I did to so that I look in his eyes.

"Kelsi, I promise on everything that I will never intentionally hurt you in anyways possible." he replied with a caring look in his deep green eyes. Then he placed his hand on the side of my face pulling me into one of the most passionate kisses I have ever experienced. I guess to prove his last statement. After releasing the kiss we laid back down re-assuming the position we were in before. Not long after I was dead asleep.

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