Chapter 9

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I was stopped in my tracks and I felt like I couldn't breath.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Dad asked.

"Uh. Nothing look I'm having a great time with you dad but I'm not feeling good can we head back to the club house?" I asked shaking out of my trance.

"Yeah no problem I got a long day ahead of me tomorrow too. Let's go sweet heart." Dad said putting his arm around my shoulder.

Once we made it back to the clubhouse I hugged dad and told him goodnight then went to my room. I stripped down on my way to the bathroom and got in the shower.

The thought of that man haunted me I couldn't close my eyes without seeing him, its killing me!

Once I was clean I turned off the shower and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body as I left the bathroom and walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone.

I called my cousin Kelley she was the only other person who knew about it and if I told Opie he would probably kill that guy.

"Hello?" Kelley said answering the phone.

"Kel I need to talk." I said shaking

"What's wrong is it your dad?" She asked

"No dad is great." I replied

"Well what's wrong then boo?" She asked

"I was in town with dad getting to know him better and out of nowhere I see the man with the upside down peace sign tattoo.." I told her

"What?! How do you know it was him?" She asked

"Kelley I know what he looks like and that voice isn't just something I could forget." I said.  "Look I really don't know what I'm gonna do but I need to get some sleep so I'll call you tomorrow OK?" I said.

"Okay Kelsi love you!" She said then hung up.

I laid down to try to clear my mind but i just couldnt shake the horrid images of that man in my head. I need to find out who he is and why he's in Charming..


My eyes fluttered open and i could feel Opies strong arms around me. I slowly shimmied out of his grasp with out waking him. I walked over to the bathroom and stripped my clothes after turning on the shower.

After i got out of the shower i wrapped a towel around my naked body and walked back into the bedroom, I walked over to my dresser and got out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts then got dressed.

"I love waking up to such a wonderful view," Op said in a very sexy raspy tone "Good morning beautiful."

I smiled at him then walked over to the bed. "Good morning handsome, sleep okay?" I asked as I crawled back into his welcoming arms.

"Why yes I did." He said kissing my forehead.

We cuddled until there was a knock on the door.

"Op, were at the table!" Juice yelled from the other side of the door.

"Alright brother." Op yelled back "I gotta go babe, but hey were having a dinner tonight at Clay's maybe you should call Gemma and see if she needs any help."

"Yeah I probably will later on, I got a few things i want to do today." I said getting up and putting shoes on as Opie got dressed.

"Oh alright well you can borrow one of the repos I'm sure clay wont mind." He said as we both walked out of the small apartment.

We walked into the main area of the club house where everyone else was.

"Good morning love birds." Chibs said from the bar.

"You know guys I think they're the real Romeo and Juliet." Jax said with a huge grin on his face.

"Haha you guys should really be comedians your so funny!" I said walking over to them and shoving Jax out of the way as I made my way over to the bar. "So Clay, can I borrow a repo just to drive around for the day? PLEASE?" I asked innocently.

"Why of course you can darlin' as long as you bring it back in the same condition you left in." Clay said handing me the keys to a Chevy Impala.

I thanked him and walked out of the club house and got in the car. I drove off the lot and headed for the Charming police station. I pulled into a parking spot and got out of the car, as I made my way into the building I thought of the man.

"Can I help you ma'am?" A young handsome cop asked me.

"Uh yes is your cheif in today?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am right this way." He said as he led back to a office.

"Hey Unser, someone wants to talk to you." He said as we walked into the room. I sat down in the small leather chair.

"What can I help you with today, Miss.. Uh" The cheif said

"Oh Kelsi Munson, nice to meet you." I said reaching out to shake his hand.

"Munson huh? You wouldn't happen to be related to Bobby Munson would you?" He said

"Yes sir I'm his daughter." I smiled

"Well what can I help you with today?" He asked

"I was hoping you could tell me about someone in town." I said

"And who would that be?"

"Well I seen him at a cigar shop, Impecable Smokes I believe." I explained

"Well Ethan Zobelle owns that but he tends to keep white america around for protection and shit." He said, he looked confused.

"Would you happen to know who the man with the upside down peace sign is?" I asked

"AJ Weston he is one of the men i was talking about, he hasnt been in town long and I'm sure his stay wont be long." He assured me.

"Well thank you cheif thats all I need for now." I said as I gathered my things.

"Now hold on there darlin' what is a girl like you doing asking about AJ Weston?" He asked standing up.

"He just seemed sketchy when I ran into him in town wanted to make sure I was safe." I said

"Well being that close to the club I'm sure you'll be just fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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