Chapter 6

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After talking to Jax for about an hour I decided I was ready to go back to the clubhouse, so I hugged him goodbye and walked back to the waiting room where Juice was waiting on me.

"Where's Gemma?" I asked.

"She said she was tired so she went home, you ready?" Juice said. I nodded yes then we left the hospital.

After Juice dropped me off I went to Opies room and changed into some shorts and one of his T-shirts, then laid on his bed. I missed Op already and he hadn't even been gone for very long, I didn't understand it. I curled up in bed and dozed off, only to be awoken by someone banging on the door. So I stood up and answered the door to see my angry drunken mother. How did she find me?

"What in the hell are you doing here?" she said, the words kinda mashed together courtesy of the bottle of Patrón in her left hand.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, how'd you manage to find your bum of a father anyways?" I couldn't manage to force the words that I so badly wanted to say out of my mouth.

"Ha, figures to scared to say anything as usual." she said pushing past me and into the room.

I had forgotten this was Opies room, so there was men's clothes strayed all over the small apartment, and of course my mother would be the one to notice it.

"What the fuck is all of this shit? What you sleeping around now?" She said grabbing a pair of boxes off the floor and taking another swig of Patrón.

"Your know this is exactly why I took you away from all of this shit, and now look at you, your just another biker slut!" and her saying that drove me to the edge and I slapped her.

"No I'm not sleeping around, and for your information I'm still a virgin, at least I am in my eyes, and don't even try to blame you leaving on SAMCRO, that was all on you! Gemma told me everything about how you wanted out and dad was loyal to the club and you being your selfish self, took me and left!" I screamed. But once I'd realized what I had said I stepped back and my eyes widened as she stepped closer to me with the drunken rage in  her eyes that looked all to familer.

"What did you just say to me?" she said stepping even closer. I pushed my self against the wall harder and harder hoping that some way I could go through it..

I would usually have my guard up and fight back but this was my mother although I hated her I could never hurt her, and as soon as I though that I realized I was on the floor with her on top if me. She punched me twice, causing a black eye and a busted lip.

"I'll show you to yell at me again." she said placing her hands around my neck, causing me to black out.

~Opie's POV~

While Clay talked to LaRoy me and the others stayed at our bikes keeping a close watch on the two. All I could think about was Kelsi, what was she doing, was she safe? I couldn't get her out of my head. I know we've only known each other for a short amount of time but, she made happier than I've been in along time.

I was still thinking about her when I heard a phone ring, it was Bobby's. I could hear his end of the conversation.

"Hello.. Gemma what's wrong? What! Ok we'll be there as soon as possible." He hung up franticly.

"What is it Bobby?'' I asked

"Clay!... Its Kelsi, she's hurt." He said calling Clay over.

I was so worried I jumped on my bike as did the others and sped off to the club house.

When we arrived Juice was standing outside.

"Bobby I'm so sorry I should've stayed with her." Juice said fallowing behind Bobby as he ran inside.

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