Summary 1

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I'm pretty sure some of you are actually confused to what's going on so far- so I've decided that after every 15 chapters, I'd write a summary of what had happened.

So, at the beginning of the story, we witness Lexi being taken away by two men to an academy where she finds more unique people like her.

She gets into one of the 5 dorms; Sapphire. Other than Sapphire, there is also Topaz, Emerald, Amethyst and Ruby.

There she meets her roommate- Riley Yukon- and her friends from the five dorms.

From Sapphire, there's Riley and Isaac Yukon, the two siblings who are a year apart. From Ruby, she meets Ryan Folly and Jack Waller. She meets Camellia Jones Ryder and Jade Skylar from Emerald, along with Malia Cuthbert and Tim Kale from Amethyst. Lastly, she meets Fie Knight and Jason Universe from Topaz.

The 10 was part of an organization called the guardians, and Lexi was soon part of it too.

They get their first mystery as Jade heals an elementary student. They come to a conclusion that it was a work of myrades.

Myrade | Mi-raid |
A creature of the dark that has no form and takes human shadows. They have the ability to possess human.

Soon, as they let down their guard and try to figure out the problem at hand -in a camping trip- they discover Riley's disappearance and they meet the eldest Yukon, Phoebe.

They go through a lab in search for their friend to no avail. They even got kidnapped in the process. Finding themselves in a witch's asylum, they sneak their way to find Riley and haul-ass away.

As they found Riley tired and weak, they were cornered by a witch. Saved by their teachers, they teleported back to the academy with a promise from the principal of Riley's punishment for supposedly conspiring with evil.

Riley undergoes her punishment the next day in the high tower where a metallic shock box is stored.

So the matter had been resolved and yet another conflict had arose. Ryan had disappeared right in front of Riley and Tim.

They still have yet to figure out where he went and why had he disappeared.

This is the old story, in case anyone was confused :)

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