Chapter 48

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"Family isn't always about blood. it's about a sense of belonging. Home isn't just four walls, home is the people that make you feel safe."


"I'll restore Death's job," Yama nodded at Mrithun. "Atropos can't play with things beyond her control. Everything isn't meant to be modernised."

I had expected Mrithun to at least offer a smile, but he just responded in silence, his eyes showing gratefulness. Maybe that's how it was. Nobody ever smiled for anything. It was constantly cold, always bleak. The underworld suddenly seemed so distant and emotionless. Yama took out a tablet of his own and fiercely typed in something.

"All set. Lachesis, go back and deactivate all the machinery," he paused, smacking his lips, "if they haven't been destroyed by the mob yet." Lachesis nodded like an obedient child.

"You knew all of this was happening." Maya gave him a frosty nosed look.

I was still looking at his eyes, the way they caught the light and turned caramel. I still could not fathom why his eyes looked so familiar.

"And you of all people know I don't track each of your moves, to give you all privacy in your job. I could've done everything myself. Why did I delegate work to you all then? I'm not your teacher. I'm the ruler, a facilitator." Yama said coolly, tugging at the buttons to loosen his shirt and relaxed his shoulders.

His wine glass appeared again. A strong, oily liquid swirled in the crystal cut glass. I spotted my refection on it. I could see the haunted look, the eyes which showed how defeated I felt inside. Everything would finally settle itself in the underworld. Only I wouldn't be there anymore.

Did I regret my decision?

No. Mrithun getting back his job was one more reason for things to continue as they were before I came...peaceful and in order.

A pair of chocolate eyes stared back at me from my reflection as the ice clinked against the sides of the glass. It was as if someone had poured a bucket of ice on me. I shivered.

"So, you wouldn't have let them do whatever they wanted to do to me." I spoke up suddenly.

Three pairs of frightened eyes shot up at me. Only Maya seemed unbothered.

"Excuse me?" Yama frowned.

"Me, why did you curse me into a life I never chose?" I blurted. I knew those eyes, because I had seen them in the mirror.

"What are you saying, Tora?" Mrithun hissed. I held up my hand.

"You were always watching me, weren't you?" I mumbled, looking into his eyes.

He seized my gaze for a while before taking in another swig from his glass.

A champagne flute appeared in front of me.

"I don't drink," I bit back. "Drowning out worries with alcohol is for cowards."

Even Maya gasped. Nobody must have ever called the Lord of the Underworld a coward.

Yama looked at me as if he had seen a ghost.

"It's no use trying to deny," I began, "I felt you first when you pushed me to safety somehow," I shot a quick glance at Mrithun, "I felt you at a place where we were unreachable by heaven, hell or earth."

Only Maya seemed to be clueless. The rest three were in on the plot.

"I see everywhere young lady," he guffawed.

"And you were watching me and guiding me when the Pisachas attacked me. Then I felt that presence again. Maya refused to divulge a name, but she seemed to be afraid and then I realised, there must be someone who is truly powerful, trying to protect me. Your eyes..." I blinked.

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