1. My birthday

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"It's enough," said my mother with tears in her eyes. "I can't take it anymore." My father held me in his arms and looked at her confused. "I'm breaking up with you," she screamed and ran out and slammed the door behind her. Dad and I went to the sofa and there were tears in our eyes. "Everything will be fine," he said and wiped a tear from my face. "I promise."

I sat at the dining table and wondered if my father (Dr. Stephen Strange) had forgotten my birthday. Suddenly the door opened and my father, Loki and Thor came in, all holding gifts in their hands and shouting "Happy birthday". I jumped up and ran to them. "Unpack my gift first," said my dad. I unpacked it and the gift contained a sling ring. "Wow, thank you," I replied. "Now mine," said Thor. The gift was a mini-figure that looked like his hammer. "Thank you," I replied slightly disappointed. "The best comes last," Loki whispered to me and handed me the gift. "That can only be better than Thor's gift," I thought. I took the gift and unpacked it right away. "Is that... Is that my own superhero outfit?" I asked surprised and Loki nodded as an answer. The outfit consisted of a deep black jeans and a top that resembled Loki's cloak. "I'll try it on right away," I replied and ran up to my room. After three minutes I ran back down. "It fits like a glove," I shouted loudly. Thor came to me and said: "The gift before was just a prank, Loki said I should do that. The gift is somewhere in Asgard, you can find it with your superpower. That's why your father also gave you the sling ring." "Now I just have to teach you," said my dad to me. "You don't need that," I replied. "I have read most of your books and in one it said how to use it. That's why I was almost only in the room the last few days." "That makes sense," my father answered. "So can you make a portal now?" he asked skeptically. I answered: "In theory, yes, but in practice I don't know." "That was just a joke... here's your gift," said Thor smiling. "Do you really want to fool me here?!" I asked angrily and tore the gift out of Thor's hand. I unpacked it and it contained a helmet that was silver-gold and had a few horns on it like Loki's helmet. "Thanks for the gifts." I looked at the clock. "I have to go to school soon." "Who said we're going?" said my father coolly and pointed to my sling ring. "You didn't get that for no reason. Show us if you can make a portal to school. So you know how to do it... be calm and then draw circular movements in the air with your arm." I did that about three times and then it worked. I was happy and we all went through the portal one after the other.

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