5. Asgard

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I said to her, "I can only get you back if I fix Asgard. That might work, but for that I have to get Frigga back, the mother of Loki and Thor, then Odin remains and then Hella might not be able to destroy Asgard in the Ragnarok. But I have to time travel for that, but I have to be able to time travel first. Suddenly all the others plus the eldest came into the flat and Erin disappeared. I turned to the eldest and asked, "Apparently I was born on the day when all 9 planets were aligned. Could it be that this gives me all the powers of the universe? And if so WHAT?" The eldest expanded "That could well be" She projected something like a hologram in the living room that looked like the 9 planets and continued "That is the 9 planets while they are in alignment. When that happens all 9 planets melt together, that means they are not individual planets but one. Therefore you might have all the powers." I asked her if I could then time travel and she shook her head. Thor raised his voice and said "Well you can actually time travel with the Mjolnir, but you have to be able to lift it first" he put his Mjolnir on the table. He explained to me that you can only lift the Mjolnir if you are worthy. He wanted to continue talking, but I interrupted him and told the relatives what had happened at school. Thor and the others paused and started at me "That's why there was almost a blackout in all of New York" my father said "I thought only the school was affected" I replied, slightly shocked. I raised the Mjolnir and looked at Thor asking if he knew how to time travel and then my father interrupted me asking "Do you even know what your plan is going to be?" I expanded "Yes. I will time travel to where all the planets were aligned, Loki told me that his and Thor's mother was killed there by dark elves. I will save his mother so Frigga, then Odin won't leave and Hella won't be able to destroy Asgard" "I'll go with you" Thor expanded I quickly "No, there would be 3 times you in Asgard and the risk of you seeing you is too great. I'll go alone". Thor explained to me that you have to hold up the Mjolnir and remember the date and place. I did that and when I opened my eyes I was in Asgard and see a woman surrounded by servants" That must be Frigga" I said to myself. Suddenly I see her and the Thor from the past talking to her. Carefully I went to them and said "Hello, my name is Anabell Strange and I come from the future. To be more precise from the year 2027. "I turned to Thor and asked him if he had already told his mother everything and he nodded. I turned back to Frigga and told her my plan "I could get the Thor from that time here, the problem is Thor has no idea where in that time and is late, but I could ask Heimdahl if he can get Thor to Asgard." "I think I should go on" Frigga expanded and turned away. Suddenly I saw Frigga being captured by a dark elf and meanwhile creating an illusion of Jane. Before the dark elf who is holding her captive can do anything to her, the Mjölnir from that time came and knocked down both dark elves and went to Frigga to embrace her. I stepped carefully to Frigga and gave her my address and the time and told her to come with Odin and Heimdahl.

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