7. There is more in the Universe

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"What do you mean by that? You can't bring her back, that's impossible" my father replied. "well i managed to 'fix' asgard and the tva didn't show up, maybe it's my destiny to bring everyone back" i said. "why does natasha mean so much to you?" Thor asked. "Before the blib came my dad told me not to be scared as he told natasha to take care of me and she did. She was always there for me and erin because btw is erin's mother also disappeared in the blib. never mind, natasha did so much for us, she told stories and taught us how to fight and through her i can speak a bit of russian. is that reason enough? because for me it is!" I replied a little irritated. "You said something about tva, how do you know it exists?" my father asked surprised "well, loki told me a lot and i used to read the books in our library" "excuse me what? you read the books? first how did you manage it and secondly why did you do it? " my father asked me with a serious look at me "erin has a power with which she can control people and we used this power with you and wong and i did it because i wanted to know how you can do magic, i wanted the same powers like you have and now i have them" my father walked over to me and hugged me "i'm so proud of you" he turned to erin and said "even if you had to put a spell on me for that but now you have to go to sleep because tomorrow is school and you still have to study for the assignments that you will write starting tomorrow." "I just have to repeat it" I said to my father and then ran up the stairs to my room. just before i fell asleep i saw figures i have never seen before. the next morning i saw this figure again. I didn't know how that could work because I've never had it before. I ignored it, or rather I tried to ignore it. it happened to me again at school. "hey, is what? your eyes are yellowish right now." erin asked me. "I just saw people who are definitely not from here. Maybe the two things are related." I replied. "You there, don't talk, concentrate!" shouted our teacher. "we'll meet at our house after school" i whispered to erin but my gaze was forward.
so after school we went to my place and i explained the situation to my father. apparently heimdahl had listened to me, because the bifrost opened in front of us and loki came out "heimdahl would like to talk to you" he said to me "you two can come too" said loki with his eyes on erin and my father. we got into the bifrost and after about 1 minute we were on asgard. frigga and heimdahl stand in front of me and stare at me. "It looks like you really have all the powers of the universe. You have my powers and the powers are very rare and it looks like you've also seen these shapes.". suddenly odin was standing behind us. "Come with me, I want to show you something". i followed him and he led me into the palace saw. In the center stood a richly decorated tree. At the top is Asgard, just below Asgard are Alfheim and Vanheim. Midgard is in the middle, i.e. the earth, followed by Muspelheim and Niflheim. at the bottom are jotunhein, hel and nioavellir. "These are the 9 realms, also called the 9 worlds." said odin to me. "this is an illustration of the 9 worlds of the universe, you probably already know them." he looked at me and i nodded, he continued "but it may be the case at the moment that there aren't just 9 but 10 worlds, since we can't explain the sudden appearance of these creatures any other way, we strongly assume" he tried his fear to hide, but you can see it in his eyes, this fear in his eyes. but I was also afraid. I was afraid that the aliens would destroy what is important to me, my family, my friends and even worse. my world. Odin went on talking, but I didn't hear him, I wasn't listening. i only understood a few words "dangerous...destruction...anger" then i heard him again "but we don't know anything about these creatures, so we can't really say if and how dangerous they are". frigga went to me and grabbed my shoulder while the worst scenarios played out in my head. "it was apparently too much what you told her" she said with a stern look to odin "no he didn't, i was just thinking how bad it could be if these beings come to earth." I fell silent. "Try not to think about it. Focus on what's relevant, like school for example." I followed her advice as best I could.
the week passed quickly, but it was exhausting. the only good thing was that i didn't see these creatures anymore.
on saturday i decided to bring nat back.

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