A Quote to Remember + A/N:

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"Things are never quite scary when you've got a best friend.." -Calvin & Hobbes, Calvin, Bill Watterson


A/N: Hi, everyone!

I'm writing this short story as a birthday present for my best friend for life (BFFL), the one and only @dreamingattwilight (I'm so sorry for the dedication spam in advance x3)

I've always wondered why we didn't become friends earlier in the first place (probably both our faults since we're both.. well, quiet and reserved. (-ish.)

Anywhore, the majority of this story actually happened, so.. Yeah. I'll leave it up to you to decide what you think really happened and what didn't, lovely readers.

In writing, I'd like to think of it as music, I guess.

When you write, (this is my personal opinion) you have to mean it. You have to show that you mean what you write and that you're writing for someone precious to you. It makes your piece all the better when you write for someone that means a lot to you.

In my case, I'm writing for my closest friend. My best friend. Mon amie. Mi compadre. My sister from another mister.

Whatever. You get the gist.

It's because I'm writing for someone precious to me that my writing flows with meaning and truth. It's because I love her so much that this will be the best story I've written so far. (Dear Lord, that sounded so fucking cheesy XD)

Quick Birthday Message before we get started:

"In the four years that we've known each other, I'm surprised that only now, in our sophomore year in high school, we chose to become the best of friends.

Hun, you've legit no idea how much you mean to me. I love you so fucking much, it's not even funny anymore.

Thank you for always having my back. Thank you for always managing to get me to crack a smile, even on my worst days. Thank you for being you.

Have an awesome 16th birthday, and don't you dare let any sons of bitches ruin it for you. In fact, I'll personally punch them, slap them, and then kick them in their special place if they have anything bad to say about you. (I'm dead serious about this .-.)

You mean the world to me, and I hope we stay this close until the end of time.

I know you said you didn't want to have a story written about you, but it's a little too late since I've spent a month or so working on this, but ANYWAYS.

I know we've had our ups and downs, but what kind of friendship would it be if we didn't?

Sometimes you worry a little too much about me, and I wish you'd let me do the same for you sometimes.

I know that I can be fairly irrational at times, and I'm really sorry for that.

I'm certainly no love expert, but no matter what, I'll always be your wingwoman-man-thing, despite the fact that you're the definition of Ice Queen, and no. Not Elsa. (You get the fucking gist!)

You know I'll always be your grammar-Nazi, whether you like it or not. X3

I know I can be an idiot half the time, I'm sorry you have to put up with my bullshit.

Sayonara, sweetheart. Stay adorable, and don't you dare let anyone change that.

I know I'm not the best friend you've always wished you could have, but I'll do my best for your sake.

Love you, and most importantly, Happy Birthday :) <3

Love always,

Your BFFL even after we graduate, Sofea."

Disconnected by 5SOS is basically the bae xD - I love this song so fucking much, I'm not even kidding! (Their natural voices are beautiful, it's sad that they use auto tune in most of their songs..)

I hope you enjoy this story, and.. Yeah.

This story will be written from my POV, and in order to maintain anonymity, I won't be using any names other than my own, so this might be quite a challenge for me.

Excuse me for the shitty transitions, so please try not to get confused!

Everything's completely out of order, ESPECIALLY in the last chapter, so please try and bare with me ;^;


-LGGH AKA Atticus

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