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A/N: Hello, lovely people! This wasn't being released earlier for very (as in VERY, very) specific reasons, but ANYWHORE.

I've been working on this for the past month, so.. Yeah.

The best part about this story is that I finally get to use the excuse of finding, collecting, and using the funniest BFF gifs I can find! (TERK IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL)

Without further ado..

Here is the summary!


"See? This is why I love you. You're on his side but you're on mine. You aren't forcing me to do anything I don't want to do."


"It's a good quality to have."


I've always been that one quiet girl sitting at the back of the class. I didn't have any friends in my homeroom class for the entire year of 8th Grade.

She's always been the smart one. The social butterfly. That one pretty girl. The bookworm.

This is the story of our friendship and how it blossomed.


BYE! :3

-LGGH AKA Atticus

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