Year 3.

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10th Grade:

As I saw her approaching me from the school's entry gates, I flashed her a toothy grin. "Morning, sunshine." I told her as she walked over to me and gave me an after-summer hug in greeting.

"How was your summer?"

"T'was alright."


Whenever I fangirl over something, I always end up spazzing. I'm not even kidding, I'll be like, "HNNNNNNNNNNGHGGHHGHGHGHH! I SHIP IT LIKE FEDEX, WHY THEY SHO CUTE?! AIIIIEEE!!"

In terms of reactions to my random spasms, her's was by far the best.

She slowly scooted away, her already wide open eyes keeping an eye on me to make sure I didn't spaz again.

"I'm weird," I told her. "Deal with it."

"Believe me, I already know," she replied with a laugh.



She seemed to have faded away from my class after the school production in 9th Grade.

She became super close to a girl in the year below us.

She seemed almost.. relieved. Relieved that she didn't seem to have to deal with our class because she had that girl for company instead.

Because my locker was at one end of the corridor, I was able to see what was going on at the other end.

The two of them would walk in a stride of confidence. They'd always be hopping around about something or other, talking animatedly in excitement.

I shut my locker and walked down the stairs, letting out a sigh of worry.

Will those two be able to stay close for much longer?


Many days passed since.

As I was grabbing my lunch from my locker, I saw her walking to her's. But she wasn't alone.

She was with a boy.

This boy was the same boy who was in my History class.

He was always rude to the others in my class, particularly my friends. I found him really annoying because of it.

He always seemed superior to others because if his intelligence, always smirking to show off his two dimples.

I could hear them talking in excitement, Harry Potter was the topic of discussion.

I stifled a laugh when I saw how nervous he was as he spoke to her. His usual tall stance seemed to have shrunk and was no longer there. His pompous attitude seemed to have disappeared as he spoke to her. He seemed to be hiding how flushed he was behind his black square framed glasses when he was with her. I smiled at that.

The beautiful girl in my class had many admirers. She just didn't realize it.

As he left her locker in hurry, I saw her shut her locker as I walked over to her.

I started rapidly raising my eyebrows at her, smirking as I said, "Hon, hon, hon! What do we have here?"

Her eyes widened in shock as she hissed at me, "NO. NONONONONONONONONONO, NO."

"Suit yourself," I guffawed as I walked down the hall towards the stairs, leaving her there.


We woke up at the crack of dawn. (Dear Lord, that sounded so dirty..)

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