Year 1.

130 8 23

8th Grade:

I was always that one quiet girl. I would keep my head down and I would speak only when spoken to. Looking around, I saw the girl who was always surrounded by the other girls in our class. The smart one, the social butterfly, the pretty girl, the bookworm. These were some of the typical words you'd hear around our class that described her.

Since I was sat smack by the window on the left side of the class, in the second last row, (coincidentally, just like every anime protagonist that goes to school) I'd always be able to see what was going on. Sure, I kept my head down and my mouth shut, but that didn't stop me from noticing.

"I'll do an impression of her!" One of the girls in our class announced during our weekly form period. As that girl went up to the whiteboard, I became curious as I rested my chin on the palm of my hand, waiting for what was to come.

A horribly drawn stick figure with what I think was supposed to be a set of glasses rested on the whiteboard. My class, as rowdy and idiotic as ever, started to laugh like they were kids looking at the baboons in a zoo exhibit.

"I like reading books and I love being a nerd!" The giggles around the class spread out evenly, our teacher unable to control it.

Nobody could blame her for being upset. Hell, I would be too if anyone insulted me based on my hobbies and the fact that I actually cared about having a good future.

"Reading doesn't make me a nerd!" She'd told them, flustered.

"Whoa, calm down, girl. We were just kidding!"

Through it all, I watched, saying nothing.

That doesn't mean I didn't want to slap them all, one by one, for being so mean to her.


"Can I borrow your pen? What's the time? Please? You're doing it wrong. Can I sit here? What're you doing this weekend?"

Two words: Weekly torture.

That one annoying girl in the class who bugged me nonstop drove me up a wall.

Day in, day out, I ranted to my little brother and my parents; all three of them giving me pitying glances as I'd told them.

Christmas break was approaching.

As the boys fooled around on their Blackberry's, (or Blackberries) the girls went ahead and sang Christmas carols to our almost always happy Irish science teacher. They were singing 'Mistletoe' by JB.

I didn't really bother paying attention to how they were singing, whether it was off-key or not. I didn't care. I was already preoccupied with something else.

My halfway finished comic book.

Since I don't celebrate Christmas, it didn't matter to me. I didn't have an iPhone, or a Blackberry, or a phone in general, really. I mean, okay, fine. I did have a phone. A Nokia. You know, the kind that you used for only calling and for briefly texting.

I have friends, I promise. I'm not that big of a loner.

Just not in this class.

The annoying girl approached me and started to read the dialogue of the page I was on. "HAHAHAHAHAHA," she read in a monotonous voice. My calm and relaxed demeanor seemed to have disappeared when I snapped; I told her in annoyance, "Go away and leave me alone. Quit bugging me."

She seemed a bit taken aback by my sudden calm (-ish) outburst, so she walked off and left me alone, going to 'her' instead, sat a couple of seats to my left.

I couldn't hear what she'd told 'her', but her reaction was both expected and unexpected.

"I don't care."

As Little Ms. Annoying scuffled away, she looked over at me with her face being covered by her book, a look of annoyance, desperation, and determination on her face, and said to me, "She's so annoying!"

Took the words right out of my mouth, soul sister.


Welp, that's Year 1 of knowing her for y'all!

Sam and Charlie from The Perks are my OTP, I love them so freaking much.

Until next time, bye! <33 ;D

-LGGH AKA Atticus

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