Dear Nya..

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A quick letter to my best friend seems fitting, especially since we both have literally less than two years before we both head off for college somewhere or other.

I just want to say thank you for everything, boo. Sure, there are times you frustrate me to no end, but you're so freaking cute, I can't even handle it.

Where would I be if it weren't for your encouragement for me to write?

Where would you be if I wasn't in school to remind you of your upcoming subjects in school?

Imagine what life would be like if we hadn't met. I certainly can't imagine it without you by my side, so I'm glad I got to know you the way I did..

..even though it basically consisted of about 3 years worth of awkward conversations in class just to get to know you.

Moving on from that!


Thank you.

For everything.

All the best with everything, and remember:

Whenever you're having a bad day, just have a read of this. And when I say this, I mean She Chose to Stay. I worked hard on this just for you, and I hope you loved it every bit as much as I did.


I love you so fucking much.

Love always, Sofea.

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