Year 2.

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9th Grade:

"Time for a seat change," our class' homeroom teacher had told us. "I'm moving your seats around. Sofea, go sit next to 'her'."

I stopped drawing on my notebook and said dumbly, "Sorry, what?"

My teacher let out a sigh and replied, "I said, 'Go sit next to her.' Or do you not want to?"

I blinked a couple of times to confirm what she just said. It's not like I was sitting with the only two friends I had in my homeroom class, anyways. I know that 'she' most definitely wasn't one of them.

She's just an acquaintance. Mostly just my classmate, really.

'Why the hell not?' I thought to myself as I picked up my things and walked over to her table.


I guess you could call Form Time - 'Free Period' - when we weren't doing anything, unless we had assembly, we didn't really do much, other than talk or keep ourselves occupied.

"The hell?" I muttered to myself as I hoisted my blue and gray backpack over my shoulders.

Form Time was over, and we were all headed home now.

There was some sort of commotion by the classroom's door.

As I got closer to the door, the words being utters became clearer to me. Much, MUCH clearer.

"Aww, come on!" exclaimed one of the largest of the boys. "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"

My eyes widened in concern when I saw her by the door, her head down as she wrapped her arms around herself, clearly upset about something that had to do with them.

I pursed my lips in contemplation, wondering if I should go speak to her or remain where I was.

Being me, I chose to remain where I was.

But that didn't stop me from hearing her shaky voice when she replied.

"It's fine."

But I knew better.


Being missing for a week+ because of stomach flu sucks. It really does.

My body had only just recovered, so getting back on my feet was definitely going to be a challenge for me.

As I continued to struggle with keeping my eyes open because of exhaustion, I heard the low whisper of the girl who sat beside me.

Funny how she didn't seem to mind my presence.

"Are you okay?" she asked me, her eyebrows furrowed together in concern. "Where've you been for the past week?"

I gave her a weak side smile before replying, "I'm getting better, I'll tell you that. I've been sick, so.. Yeah."

"Good to know," she told me before burying herself in her book again.

Huh. She has great taste in books.


"What're you staring at?" A mean girl in our class sneered at one of the new girls as she entered the room.

"Your ugly face."

My jaw dropped as I turned to look at the new girl behind me, a strained look on her face. Damn, girl! She's got guts, talking to her like that!

It was as if it was all on queue, because the entire class turned to look at the two of them, waiting for the inevitable to happen.

You can imagine how that mean girl reacted.

Our class teacher had to get involved as she stood between the two of them. Things were about to get real ugly.

Soon, the whole grade found out about their fiasco.

There was a lot of scuffling and shuffling involved and.. You get the gist.

I even went and congratulated that new girl for standing up to her.

After my congratulations, 'she' came up to me, bubbling with excitement. "Did you see the look on her face!?"

I let out a brief chuckle - more of a nervous and hysterical laugh, really - and replied, "I was standing right next to them! Of course I saw it!"

We both got a good laugh out of it.


Year 2 of knowing her complete!

Well. What do you guys think? Was everything I wrote so far real?

Comment below, let me know!

In the mood to leave this weirdo a follow? No? Okay, sorry. (BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA not really.)

Until the next update, bye! :D

-LGGH AKA Atticus

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