Chapter 1

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"Hey guys, it's Sam and Colby. Today we are back at the infamous Queen Mary" Sam yells starting the camera up.

"You guys kept requesting that we came back one more time, so here we are. But this time we came with a little more power over the spirits! This is Alyana and she is a medium,"

This is where I come in. The two boys that I just met in person today tell the camera all about me. Talking about how I see and talk to ghost, saying how awesome it is. I don't think it's very awesome, it's more of a curse to me. Yeah of course it's cool, but living with it forever, not the best.

I start to zone out in my thought when I realized they wanted me to talk now, "Hey guys!" I say waving to the camera and bright lights that stand in-front of me.

I've been hired to go into haunted places before, but never like this. Never on film 24/7, having to explain everything I do. I'm not use to this and I'm nervous. I'm here with Sam, Colby and Sam's girlfriend named Katrina, but she said to call her Kat.

Sam turned off the cameras and started to pack up the tripod. I turn around staring at the ship that we are about to stay in.

"Hey, Alyana, you good?" Colby put his hand on my shoulder checking up on me.

"Oh yeah, sorry", I say snapping out of it, "just getting some connections already, it's gonna be a rough night"

Sam pulls the camera out again as we walk into the lobby to check in. I stand back with Katrina while they talk to the man at the desk. After we were all checked in we start walking up to the room we have for the night. Room 340, instantly I get a wave of connections rush over me which makes me stop in my tracks to calm down. The amount of spirits rushing to me at once sometimes overwhelm me.

"Alyana, what's wrong?" Colby puts his hand on my shoulder once again.

"I'm just getting a shit ton of connections right now," I say to the camera.

"Woaahh," Sam starts talking to the camera as we just stand outside the door.

That's the second time Colby has checked on me, I wonder if he is starting to get his third eye, he always knows when somethings going on.

We walk into the room and put all of our stuff down. I immediately walk toward the bathroom, "There's a spirit at the sink," I tell everyone.

"No way," Colby says shocked, "Last time we were here there was a lot of activity in there, the shower turn on," he explains to me.

We explore the rest of the ship before going back to our room at 2:30 to get ready for a séance. We all sit on the couch and chairs in front of a table as Sam sets up the camera.

"Before we get started, I would like to put protection over all of you," I say turning to my left facing Katrina.

I grab both of her hands and close my eyes. I see my light of protection going over her. Then I turn to my right for Colby. He gives me his hands and I grab them. He holds onto them tightly, making me think that he is scared. As I'm giving him my protection his grip lessens and it feels natural. After everyone is ready, we begin.

"If there is a spirit here with us, please give us a sign using our many devices," Sam says out loud.

The EMF reader spikes a bit but personally I'm not getting anything. After about 20 minutes I start to see a entity in the bathroom. I tell everyone that I see something in the bathroom, and of course they freak out a bit. This is not a spirit, this is something evil.

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