Chapter 7

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I don't even remember falling asleep last night, but when I start to wake up I find myself in my bed and Colby wrapped around the back of me. I turn myself around, trying not to get tangled in his arms. I face him and place a soft kiss on his lips.

"Good morning," I giggle as his eyes flutter open.

"Good morning," He rubs his eyes a bit before fully opening them.

He pulls me in closer to him, I put my head in the crook of his neck and he's gently palms the back of my head. We lay like that for a while, taking in the feel of one another pressed against each other. He places a gentle kiss on the top of my head before turning around and grabbing his phone. I do the same.

Going on my phone I go straight to Twitter and find hundreds of notifications waiting for me. They were all screenshots from Sam and Colby's new video. Most were of him holding me in the closet, others were him holding my hand going up the stairs and some were of him just looking at me. The pictures made me smile, seeing me and Colby from a third person point of view was cute, but some of the comments made me do the opposite.

"They just met, why is she all over him."

"Why is he even touching her, she probably has demons attached to her."

"Y'all see that scene from the closet, disgusting."

I shut my phone off and turn with my back facing Colby, so he wouldn't see the sorrow on my face.

"What's wrong, Lane?" He turns to face my back and wraps his arm around me.

"Nothing," I shrug it off. I don't want to make stupid fans hurting my feelings a big deal, it's not a big deal.

"You know, you're not the only one that can tell when people are upset. Tell me."

I turn around to face him, "It's just stupid things fans are saying on Twitter. They took screenshots from the video and are saying rude things about me, but I know I need to get use to it."

"Did you see the other comments?" He asked turning his phone on. He turns his screen toward me to reveal other posts of us.

"Look at the way he looks at her, that's so adorable."

"How he held her to protect her, omg."

"Alyana is so pretty wtf."

These posts make my smile come back. I know I can't let what the fans say get to me. They don't even know we're dating yet, and I know it'll get a lot worse then. I start to wonder when we will make it public. I don't have a problem with it, it's actually kind of nice keeping it from the internet for now. It's like our little secret, but eventually I would want him to tell the fans.

"Hey, is it cool if I take a shower here?" Colby asks sitting up in bed.

"Yeah go ahead," I smile as I watch him walk to the bathroom connected to my room.

As I hear the shower start running, I grab my phone and continue checking my social medias. Scrolling through Instagram I received a text message from a random number.

Unknown: Why hello Alyana

I furrow my eyebrow at the text. Could this be some crazy fan that somehow found my phone number?

Alyana: Who is this?

Unknown: Or should I say, Katherine? You know who this is, sweetheart.

My heart dropped reading that sentence. Theres only one person left in this world that knows me by 'Katherine' and that called me 'sweetheart'. 

Back in Michigan, when I was 16 I met Nick. Nick went to the high school in the neighboring city. I thought everything was perfect, I thought I was in love. I wasn't in love, I was brainwashed. He manipulated me, abused me mentally and physically, he raped me. My parents hated him, they knew he was bad for me and parts of me thinks they knew be hit me.

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