Chapter 5

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I wake up to the sun shining through my curtains, I slowly open my eyes to find myself in Colby's arms. I'm wrapped up in one of my sheets and he is only wearing his boxers. I look up his chest to see him still sound asleep, but my movement in the bed makes him stir.

"Good morning," I giggle as he squints his eyes open.

"Good morning, Lane," He smiles rubbing his eyes.

"Lane? Where did that come from?" I smile, that name brings back so many memories.

"I don't know, I thought it was cute,"

"I like it, my dad used to call me that," I start to smile, but it quickly goes away as I start to miss my dad.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't have to call you that," He says apologetically.

"No, please do. I miss being called Lane."

He pulls me closer to him and places a gentle kiss on my head.

"Oh, by the way," I say looking up at him meeting his eyes with mine, "I like you a lot too. I know I never said it last night, but I was hoping you would catch on."

"You didn't have to say it," He laughs thinking back to last night, "You showed me enough."

He reaches over and grabs his phone off of the nightstand to find a bunch of texts from Sam.

Sam: Dude you left like an hour ago where are you

Sam: Either you're still with Alyana or you're dead

Sam: Just let me know that you're not dead

Colby: Not dead, I'll be home soon

He closes his messages and goes to Snapchat where he takes a picture of the back of my head laying on his chest and posts it to his private story.

"I should probably get going," He says removing his arm from around me, "Do you wanna come over later?" He begins walking around my room trying to find his clothes.

"Yeah, I'd love to," I reply as he slips his shirt back on.

"Okay, I'll see you then," He reaches down to the bed and gives me a soft kiss.

"Goodbye, Colby."

"Goodbye, Alyana."

I listen to him walk down the stairs and out the door before I get out of bed and into the shower.


"Dude, where in the world have you been?" Sam asks when I walk into the door.

"I texted you not long ago," I sit next to him at the table as he edits our new video.

"Yeah well I texted you like a hundred times last night. What happened?"

"I stayed at Alyana's," I say trying to not sound too excited about what happened.

"Obviously, but why did you stay there. Come on dude, I want the details!" He waves his hands around.

"Well, when we got to her house I told her how I felt about her and uhh she showed me how she felt about me," I explained putting emphasis on the word 'show'.

Sam almost chokes on his water, "So you slept with her, slept with her?"

I just nod and smile.

"I'm proud of you brother. When are you gonna make it official with the fans? With the new video coming out tonight they're going to see you holding her and get suspicious."

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