Chapter 4

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"Sam you ruined it," I sigh slamming the door as I walk into our house.

"Ruined what?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I was with Alyana, getting somewhere," I raise my eyes at him giving him a hint.

"Oh shit, sorry dude. Wait is that where you were last night at the party when no one could find either of you?" He asked walking over to the couch where Katrina sat.

"Yeah, we actually kissed last night and then we went on sort of a date today. I don't know man, I know we only just met, but I really like her. She's different and so beautiful, I get lost in her eyes and when we kiss, I hate to sound cheesy, but it's perfect."

"Awwee!" Katrina exclaims jumping a bit.

"Well we're planning on going to another haunted place this weekend. I can ask if she wants to come, solely for business," he smirks at me.

I just laugh and nod my head agreeing.

"Hey what's up guys it's Sam and Colby and we are back with the lovely Katrina and Alyana!" Sam shouts at the camera as we all stand outside an abandoned hospital.

Since we just filmed an XPLR video last week, we decided to go somewhere small. As we all stand around filming the intro I can feel Alyana's hands brush up against mine every now and then. I wonder if it's on accident, or if she's doing it on purpose to mess with me. We haven't seen each other since our little date, maybe she misses my touch. I know I miss hers.

"And if you want to look as good as Alyana here, check out the first link in the description for our new merch!" I cue her to spin around and show off the new shirt that we just came out with and I couldn't help but to smile and follow her body with my eyes.

Walking through the entrance of the hospital Alyana explains how the energy level so far is pretty low. It stayed that way pretty much throughout the whole first floor. We didn't plan on going to the second floor since it would be dangerous up there with the building being old and abandoned, but we all agreed that we're okay with going up since we didn't get anything yet. Walking up the stairs to the second floor the old wood beneath us creaked every time someone would shift their weight. I held onto Alyana the whole way up the stairs, just in case. After we are all off the stairs I find myself still holding Alyana's hand until Sam whips the camera around to us. We both retract our hands away from each others.

"Did you guys hear that?" Sam panics as he turns to us.

"What? No, I didn't hear anything," I reply looking behind me.

Then the sound that Sam heard happened again, but this time it was louder and closer. It made us all jump and my hand automatically went back to Alyana to make sure she was safe.

"Guys," Alyana whispers, "That's not a spirit."

"What?" Katrina says surprised, "What do you mean?"

"That's a person."

We all froze and stayed as silent as we could trying to listen to where they were going. They were coming up the stairs. Me and Sam look at each other and nod. We know that we have to run, but quietly and we're going to be stuck up here with them. All of us start to run further into the darkness of the unsteady second floor. With each step we take we can still hear the other person getting closer, until the creaking of the stairs stop. He's up here with us now and his flashlight starts to wonder around the perimeter of the room. The light will land on us any second if we don't do something. Just then I find two closets right behind us, I open one of them up and Sam does the same to the other. I pull Alyana in with me and slowly shut the door, so there isn't any noise.

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