Chapter 6

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"Good morning," I smile as I see Alyana start to wake up in my arms.

"Ugh, the suns too bright, turn it off," She groans pulling the blanket over her head and sliding down.

"How ya feeling," I laugh sliding down under the blanket with her.

"Killer headache," She groans once again.

"I thought you would say that. Here, take these," I hand her two Ibuprofen and a glass of water.

After she takes the pills she slowly crawls back into my arms.

"Do you wanna get some more sleep?" I ask slightly laughing at how hung over she is.

"mmhmm," She groans one last time before falling back to sleep.

I let her peacefully sleep in my arms for another 30 minuets before carefully rolling out of bed, making sure I don't wake her. I head downstairs to try and find something to eat.

"Morning," Sam greets me as I pull the cereal out of the cabinet.

"Morning," I greet back.

"How's Alyana feeling," Katrina comes in.

"Very hungover as you would guess. She's still sleeping," I pour the milk and grab a spoon.

After eating I help Sam edit our new video until I hear the shower in my room turn on. I tried to get away from Sam, but he kept talking to me. It drove me absolutely nuts knowing that my smoking hot girlfriend was naked in my room and I wasn't up there with her. When I finally got away I run upstairs to find her already out of the shower and dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a pink bra.

"Well good morning," I try not sound out of breath, shutting the door behind me.

"Someone was trying to get up here fast," She laughs at me, shaking out her wet hair.

"What, no," I inch closer to her. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better."

"Oh that's good," I smirk grabbing onto her hips where her thong straps poke out. I start to slide her pants down, so I could see more of what was underneath.

"Colby, I just put these clothes on," She moans at my touch.

"It's okay, I'll put them back on for you," I start undoing her bra from the back.

"Isn't everyone home," She gives in starting to take my shirt off.

"You'll just have to be quiet," I wink.

"I'll  have to be quiet, what about you, Brock?" Damn she's so cocky.

"We'll have to be quiet." I pick her up and carry her to my bed.

"Great, now I have to take another shower," Alyana groans walking back to the bathroom in my room.

"I'm joining," I chase after her.

As the hot water soaks us both I can't help but to admire her body.

"Have I ever mentioned how beautiful you are?"

"A few times," She laughs as she throws her head back under the shower head.

"No, really," I grab onto her small waist, but pulling myself back to look at all of her, "Yeah we've had sex, but I've never took the time to just look and appreciate your body."

"Well, take it all in," She spins around as a joke, but I'm not even near joking.

"You, Miss Alyana Thomas, are absolutely perfect."

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