In his head

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A/N: Ah yes, my late night ideas are always such good ones. I guess this will mostly make sense to the people who've read the manga, unless the anime is already at that point Idk.

"Tomura!" you yelled at him, but to him your voice sounded to be coming from somewhere far away, it was like he was underwater, and you were somewhere far above him.

"To! Mu! Ra!" you shouted and slapped his cheek with each syllable.

He finally shot up to a sitting position and gasped for air. He looked at you with a disgruntled expression, like you had just woken him up from a good nap and not saved his life.

"Thank goodness" you sighed with relief. "I thought you were dead"

"Why would I be dead?" he asked, genuinely perplexed.

"The-the heroes-they ripped you out of the vat, and the doctor said you wouldn't survive if the whole thing wasn't complete" you stammered.

It took Shigaraki a while to take in his surroundings. The place was dark and full of tubes and cords, but then it hit him. He had been ripped out of the vat weeks ago.

"MASTER! Why are you showing me this?!" he yelled into the darkness.

"Why indeed" the mirage of you spoke, but it wasn't with your voice. Your face and body melted away revealing All for One's instead.

"Where are they?! What have you done to them!?" Shigaraki yelled.

"Not much... yet. Though I must say the despair on their face when this body hurts them is quite priceless"

"You stay away from (Name)!" Shigaraki barked, trying to lunge for his former master, but shackles appeared around his wrists, stopping him in his tracks.

"This is my domain now Tomura, even though we are in your head, you have no control here" All for One laughed.

"I will get my body back, that I promise you, and when I do, I will make you pay" Shigaraki hissed.

"We'll see" All for One chuckled menacingly, taking a step back. He was swallowed up by the darkness and disappeared, leaving behind only a hollow, cold echo of his laughter.

"I swear I'll get my body back. You hear me you bastard!?" Shigaraki yelled into the void.

"It's okay, I'm here" your voice rang out again, but this time it wasn't his master's doing. He had conjured up an image of you by himself.

You embraced him and said: "You're going to get out of here and get your body back and I'm going to be waiting for you on the other side"

Even though he knew it wasn't the real you and just a figment of his own imagination, he leaned against you, still shackled to the invisible floor. It felt so comforting, as if you were really there.

"There, there, Tomura. It's going to be okay" you said as you stroked his hair.

"I promise I'll get you away from him" he muttered as he leaned against you.

Shigaraki fell asleep again and the circle he had been repeating for weeks now, began anew.

Shigaraki TomuraWhere stories live. Discover now