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"Sua is not ready to give me a chance." The blonde haired girl sighed, gripping on the steering wheel.

After reaching at her mansion she changed her clothes and decided to hangout with her friends.

The black haired girl smiled, she folded her arms and spoke, "You sound desperate..." Emily replied, keeping her hand on Siyeon's thigh.

"She's right, why are you running behind Sua. You should find another girl." Taehyung replied, taking a small bite of his burger, sitting in the backseat.

"Spencer called Taehyung this morning..." Said Emily, she kept her hands in her lap and fiddled with her fingers.

"Who?" Asked the blonde haired girl, her phone vibrated inside her pocket. She removed it and clicked on the text she received from Jennie.


From Jennie:

Wanna hangout?
Bring Sua with you.
I'm bored.

-We broke up.


-I cheated on her...


Keeping the phone inside her pocket she focused on the conversation.

"Spencer, the one who is investigating Taehyung's case." Emily checked herself in the rear view mirror. "I'll talk to him and tell him not to bother you..." The blonde haired girl spoke, averting her eyes at Taehyung.

"Thanks, you are my real friend..." Taehyung smiled, patting Siyeon's shoulder. Taehyung checked his phone and made an eye contact with Emily, "I'm leaving, I'll meet you later." He walked outside of the car, closing the door behind him.

Siyeon averted her eyes on the road. Her phone once again started vibrating. She removed her phone, it was Jennie.


You're dumb.


Emily sneakily checked the name of the person who was texting Siyeon. "Do you have an affair with Jennie..?" She asked, Siyeon shook her head and kept texting.

"Have you ever slept with her?" Asked the black haired girl.

"No!" Siyeon whispered.

"You should give it a try."

Siyeon fumbled with her phone almost dropping it down. She gripped on it tightly and looked at Emily with surprise.  "What?" She asked, making sure she heard the right thing.

"You should give Jennie a chance... She's hot, sexy and is similar to Sua. Why don't you give her a chance. She won't kiss other people except you." Emily answered blowing some air on her nails.

"I can't do that now. It's too late to even think about that and it's wrong..." Siyeon replied, popping her knuckles.

"Think about it..." Emily whispered, she kept her hand on Siyeon's upper arm, rubbing it gently she spoke. "I care about you. Sua might be a bitch, but me, I'm not that kind of a woman. I want only the best for you." She whispered, leaning towards Siyeon's face, she planted a warm kiss on her cheek.

"Take care..." She whispered caressing Siyeon's skin, before leaving the car.

The blonde haired girl quickly started her car and drove towards Sua's place.


Siyeon loudly knocked on the door. "Open the door!" She shouted, slamming her hand on the door.

-God's Curse- [G!P] (SUAYEON)Where stories live. Discover now