Chapter 2

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She'd watched him walk over to beach, muttering quietly to himself. So much for trying to approach him. She sighed, and silently slipped further back into the trees as another Hunter passed by. She wasn't sure what to do; Chancellor Paige had never said anything about more people. She thought that after what WICKED had done to her, they could have at least left her in peace. She wanted to be alone, with only the animals for her company. She new she was weird experiment gone wrong. At least the animals didn't judge her on looks. She wished they would all just go away.
Yet at the same time she wanted to approach them ask them who they were - especially their leader, the Asian guy. She wanted to feel safe again, to forget about the cranks and WICKED. She sighed again at her dilemma and decided to wait. Watch and wait until the time was right.

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