Chapter 4

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Minho stared. It was early morning and he had heard a loud noise outside his shelter. He'd gotten up quickly and silently, but whatever (or whoever) it was was already gone. Left behind was a dead doe. Still fresh.
Minho's stomach rumbled. He wanted the meat, but he new that other people ( the old and the young) would need it more than him. He slipped his shoes on, then ghosted round the camp, picking up all the people he would need to butcher the deer.
"What if it's been poisoned?" One middle aged man pointed out.
"Why don't you test....." he started to reply sarcastically, before Brenda cut him off with a sharp look.
"We don't know." she said sweetly, "but look. There's only one clean arrow mark in the eye; no other way of applying the poison. And the wound looks clean enough. I'm pretty sure that this isn't meant to kill us. Whoever sent it wants to help us."
There was a pause, then silently the group began to work. Everyone had a little bit of meat that night. Minho made sure of it. "It might not fill them up," he thought to himself, "But it'll raise their spirits."

Over the next few days they had an oncoming supply of fresh meat. Some times it was left in the morning; sometimes in the evening. However hard he'd tried, Minho had never managed to capture their supplier.
Once he had glimpsed a lock of blonde hair, but that was all he saw before they had disappeared off into the woods.

He gave a groan of frustration. Yet again they had managed to evade him and vanish. Behind him Nina laughed. " Why don't you leave him a note?" She laughed prettily. Minho sighed and turned around. "Don't you have work to do?" He asked tiredly. She batted her eyelashes and gazed up at him, her bottom lip trembling slightly. "Simon says I have to help them chopping down trees, but it's such hard work. I'm not sure I can keep going with this little food." She put her hand on her stomach and let out a shuddering sigh.
Even with the extra meat, there still wasn't a healthy amount of food to go around.
"I'm trying to get more food." Minho replied, looking up at the sky despairingly.
"I'm trying."

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