Chapter 13

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They'd only been walking a couple of hours since the lunch stop, but already Lyla was feeling lethargic. Usually she could run for hours, let alone walking. But lately she had been giving up her meet supply to the survivors. She sighed and rubbed her rumbling belly. She was going to have to hunt soon. For everyone else as well.

When they'd first appeared back at the group Nina had been furious at Minho, but obviously he had made something up, as she was now only sending dirty glares at Lyla, and sympathetic glances to Minho. The trees had started to thin out by now; they were just starting to climb up the mountains. Lyla said she knew the lowest pass, but it was still pretty high up. The great oaks and beeches had turned to pine and spruce.

Lyla couldn't make up her mind; should they stop and rest now, while there were still trees to climb and shelter in?
Or should they push on through the night and make it to the small house that lay just below the pass on the other side. As if on cue, somewhere a wolf howled. She was fine with wolves; at one point she had even helped them, but she wasn't sure about the others. They might not realise that her alliance with the wolves was flimsy, if they realised she had an alliance at all. It was more of a "I won't bother you if you don't bother me" agreement. She signalled for them to stop and they started making platforms and shelters high up in the trees. It was going to be an uncomfortable night, but at least they would be safe. Lyla knew that wolves weren't the only thing round here; there had been a zoo fairly close, and some of the animals had cross bred to make very random, very dangerous animals.

Minho watched Lyla slip off into the woods, her bow in hand. She was obviously going hunting, and Minho was glad. His stomach ached with hinger. He looked round and pit the finishing touches to his platform. Unlike some others he hadn't built a roof for his, feeling secure that it wasn't going to rain. With the extra time, he had made his platform larger; it was big enough for two people really.

As if hearing his thoughts, Nina started to climb the tree that Minho was in. When she reached the branches that the platform was on, she stopped, climbed in to it, and started making herself at home. Crap, thought Minho. He wasn't sure that he was quite ready for being this close yet. He shuffled over to her awkwardly. "Ermmm.......what are you doing?" He asked, trying not to sound to rude.
She looked over at him and her eyes started glistening with tears. " I tried to build my own, but......." She glanced at another tree, and he saw that there was a pathetic attempt at a shelter, the branches falling off the tree. " Please." She said imploringly. " Alright." Minho agreed gruffly. He couldn't deny this beautiful girl safety. And, he thought, it would be quite nice to have her next to him. "Thank you!" She exclaimed, smiling sweetly, then putting her head on his chest and snuggling up close to him. Minho looked up to the stars and smiled. Maybe life wasn't all bad.

Hey guys, sorry i haven't updated in ages. Kinda went off this book, but i read the maze runner series again so i decided to keep writing. Also IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!! Answer honestly; who do you ship, Mina or Lylo???!!!! I need to know so i can plan out the story more.
Thanks for reading, vote and comment please!!!! Xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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