Chapter 11

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A.N This waterfall is almost perfect except that it would have a ledge for her to stand on.

It was dank inside the cave, but Minho kept moving on, silently cursing whenever he sent a loose pebble skittering over the floor. Finally he emerged, blinking in the cool green sunlight- and gasped. There was a beautiful waterfall splashing down onto first a small ledge, then into a deep, green pool of water. The way he had come from was blocked off by sandy coloured cliffs. Minho realised the cave must have led all the way through these massive walls. It was a small piece of paradise; the great trees blocked out a little sun, but not too much, and there were some rocks completely in sunlight. There were ginormous ferns everywhere as well, and Minho crept behind one. He had seen a flash of movement and realised that Lyla had gone into one of the tiny caves that honey combed the walls of these cliffs.
A moment later she reappeared and Minho stepped out from behind the fern and stopped. Oh god, he thought blushing furiously. Of course. How could he have been so stupid? She was wearing only a tank top and some girl boxers. She was going for a wash.
Lyla sighed with relief as she reached the ledge and stopped just in front of the waterfall, letting the spray cover her body and hair. After a while she plunged into the flow, and washed the grease and sweat from her long hair. She had been dying to visit her little green paradise all day. She washed the rest of herself, then took a deep breath, poised herself, and dived into the pool below.
Minho knew he should have left then, but something made him stay. She was so fascinating; her hair molten gold with tiny drops of glimmering diamond, the elegant curve to her back, her long legs. He saw as she stepped into the waterfall, water falling all around her, making her seem like an oil painting. He also saw as she turned, glanced round, then dived, as graceful as a dolphin, into the pool making barely a ripple. He held his breath to match hers. 10,11,12, How long was she staying under? 26,27,28, He was starting to get worried now. 39,40 Oh God! 48,49,50. Minho made up his mind. He was going in to get her.

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