Chapter 3

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Minho turned round.Behind him stood a petite girl with masses of long dark hair. Her large violet - he had to check, yes violet - eyes stared up at him prettily. Her long, dark lashes were framed against her pale unmarked skin; she looked like she'd never done any work in her life.
He realised she'd said something, but he'd been too busy staring at her to notice. "Um, sorry, could you say that again?" He stammered, the heat rising to his face. She laughed a tinkly feminine laugh. " I was just wondering." she said confidently, one hand on her hip. "Oh yeah?" Minho asked one eyebrow raised.
"Are you single?"
What, Minho thought, type of question is that? We're in a place with around two hundred people, all who need shelter, food warmth and comfort, and you ask 'Are you single?' He was surprised to find himself replying.
"Yeah, I guess." He was really blushing now.
"Good." She tossed her hair and turned to go. "Just to let you know, I'm interested." She smirked at him, then turned and strutted off towards a small group of teenage girls.
Minho didn't know what to say. He found her pretty -no, more than that, she was beautiful - but he wasn't sure of her attitude. He saw Thomas walking towards him and smirking. "Don't say anything," he started, but it was to late.
"Girl trouble Minho?" Thomas asked mockingly. Minho decided to go for the macho look, and play it cool. "Nothing I couldn't handle." He returned Thomas's smirk. Thomas carried on. "Personally, I'm surprised she didn't go for me. I mean, Benda fell for me like that." He said, snapping his fingers.
"Well personally, I'm surprised as well. I always thought an ugly shank like you would die an old widow." Minho snapped. He wasn't in the mood for this."And I don't even know her name."
"It's Nina," Thomas and Minho turned to see Brenda. "She's the leader of that group of girls over there. Used to be models I think."
"I'm not surprised,"Minho muttered to himself.
"What was that?" said Brenda, with a hint of a smile.
"I said 'You've done your research.' " Minho replied hastily looking her in the eye. "Ok" Brenda said disbelievingly, smirking. Minho said something rude under his breath, then said loudly, "Well come on. We've got work to do," and strode off towards the trees, the image of the beautiful, violet eyed girl still imprinted vividly in his head.

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