Chapter 12

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Minho stripped off his shirt and headed towards where he'd seen her dive. He bit his lip and looked down, getting ready for the icy water. He prepared himself and took a deep breath; just as a head of sleeked back hair appeared in the surface. He stumbled backwards out of shock while she glared at him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Minho just blushed absolute beetroot and stammered. "Well I saw you leave....and I wanted to talk...!?????!!" She face palmed and sighed despairingly. "Boys." she muttered, grinding her teeth together. "I guess it's not so bad. At least I decided to keep my underwear on." Minho blushed again at the idea of her being naked, then pushed it to the back of his mind, horrified he had even imagined that.

Before he could become any more embarrassed she spoke, "Well come in then. Help me up." He reached down, and she looked innocently up at him. "I can't reach!" she said. He leaned down even further, and she reached up to grab his hand; then yanked it down making him unbalance and splash ungracefully into the water.
She laughed at him as he came up, spluttering and gasping for air. "Serves you right." When he regained his breath he glared at her, then laughed too. "I guess it does."
"Now that we're both soaked, I suggest we go and dry off. Wet clothes aren't the most comfortable of things to wear when you're going on a perilous journey to a city full of crazies."she suggested wryly. "You don't say?" Minho replied, raising one eyebrow. They looked at each other, then grinned. Both enjoyed the others wit. "Come on," Lyla said, then pulled herself out of the water in one fluid movement. Minho wasn't so graceful - it turned out that hoisting one leg up at a time wasn't the most efficient way to leave the water. Lyla just stood there and laughed and him. "Alright, it isn't that funny." Minho huffed, but this made her laugh even harder. When she finally stopped she led him over to the rocks that were completely in sunlight.

Minho wasn't sure why he'd been so embarrassed in the first place. It was only like she was wearing a top and short shorts. Still.....he couldn't stop looking at her. She wasn't pretty, like Nina, but there was something. Minho shook his head to clear his thoughts. " Well I've been shucked and gone to heaven." He murmured to himself. Lots of peoples' lives were at stake. And all he could think about were two girls?Was he messed up or something, liking two girls? He had to ask Thomas. Him and Lyla were currently lying in the sun, trying to dry off before they had to go back to the others. She was snoozing, and he took the time to look at her more carefully. He smiled to himself. Lyla and Nina were nothing alike, except for the fact that they were both girls. Compared to Nina's carefully styled, girly personality, Lyla seemed to give off an aura of wild beauty, while seeming strong and independent. But he wasn't sure.....was she too independent to need him? Plus he kind of liked the way Nina relied on him. Lyla chose that moment to wake up, and she smiled lazily at him. She looked around. "Is this a dream?" She asked, still half asleep. Looking at her, Minho knew he couldn't resist. "Yes."  He leaned in and pecked her lips gently. He could faintly make out the taste of mint, but it was just a hint. She smiled sleepily again, then her eyes fluttered shut as sleep found her again. Minho waited a couple of minutes before shaking her awake, not unkindly. " Come on. We've got some food to find." She propped herself up on one elbow and half smiled at him, shaking her head. " I had the weirdest dream."

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