Chapter 10

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Lyla was glad to be away from the others. After living by herself for that long, human company was kind of weird. She just wanted a break. As she moved noiselessly away from the camp, she was already beginning to relax. She had been to this spot a couple of times before, and it was just what she needed now.
Minho followed after her as quietly as he could. He had no idea where she was going, but he wanted to keep an eye on her; he felt like it was his job to protect her ( although she didn't look like she needed it). Minho stopped. In front of him were cliffs. Not particularly big, but there was no way Lyla could have climbed them before he caught up with her. He was just about to turn back, when a thread of green caught his eye. He walked over to it and gasped. From this angle you could see a small crack. If you were looking at it straight ahead then you couldn't see it because of a sideways overlap of rock.
Minho looked around and silently stepped inside.

A.N sorry this chapter is so short, I've been really busy lately. Promise to update soon!☺️☺️😉 Thanks, keep voting/ commenting.XXX

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