I Miss Our Friends

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Lindy walked into her loft after an eleven hour overtime shift at the vet's office. All she wanted was to take a lavender bubble bath and go to bed, but when she saw her twin brother sitting on her couch she knew she wouldn't be getting any kind of rest anytime soon.

"Logan? What are you doing here?" She asked as she hung up her coat and stethoscope. "It's late." She walked over and sat down beside her twin brother.

Logan sighed. "Sorry, your roommate let me in. I was just thinking." He sighed again.

"You?" Lindy chuckled.

"Ha Ha, very funny."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Lindy turned to face him. "What's wrong? What were you thinking about?"

"Our friends."

Lindy made a confused face. "Who? Your friends, Randy and Kyle, or my friends, Bex and Jess?"

Logan frowned. "No. Our friends. Jasmine?.. Garrett?.. Delia? You remember them?" He asked.

Lindy sighed. "Yes, I remember them." She sighed. "What about them? We haven't really talked-"

"In five years! I know!"

"I think it's been about four." Lindy corrected.

"No. It's been five. I know I've never been good with numbers, but I could never forget that fight. The one that ruined everything." He pouted. "Why did we fight?"

Lindy sighed. "Honestly, I don't remember much about what started it. I just remember when it got out of hand." She frowned. "I'll never forget the moment I knew our friendship really was over."

"When Jasmine cried." He sighed.

"Actually, I was talking about when Delia started crying."

"Oh yeah." Logan shook his head. "I guess I meant our relationship. I knew it was over when Jasmine started crying and I couldn't say anything to make it better." He slapped his hands on his jeans. "Man, I messed everything up. I haven't been happy since then, and I really miss our old friends."

Lindy nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I miss them too.. sometimes."

"Hey Linds, let's get the gang back together and work things out. I mean we're not petty teenagers anymore. We should be able to talk things out like adults now."

Lindy sighed. "I don't know, Logan we said a lot of hurtful things. We said things we can't take back."

"Okay, so we can't take it back, but we can apologize and try again." He shrugged. "It's been five years. We can't hold grudges forever, right?" Logan asked his sister.

Lindy scoffed. "Delia can, and Jaz can too." She rolled her eyes.

Logan frowned. "Sounds like you can too." He let out a dramatic sigh. "Nevermind, I guess we'll truly never make things between us again. We'll just throw away 20 years of friendship like moldy cheese from the refrigerator!"

"Eww.. We weren't even friends that long. We're only twenty-six now." Logan let out another over dramatic sigh. "But I get it!"

Logan looked at his sister with hope in his blue eyes. "Yes?"

Lindy sighed. "Yes. I'll reach out and see if we can get the gang back together to talk things out."

"Yes!" Logan excitedly jumped off the couch. "You're the greatest sister ever! Enjoy your bath!" He yelled out as he raced to the front door, trying not to trip over the table beside the couch. "Night!"

"Wait- How did you know I wanted to take a-" He slammed the door closed. "Okay whatever, I'm going to go take my bubble bath in peace now." Lindy said as she forced her aching feet into a standing position. She practically limped to the stairs and pulled herself up each step with the help of the railing, then she walked down the hall to the bathroom.

"How can I reach out when I don't have their numbers anymore?" She muttered to herself as she poured the lavender bubble bath into the running water. She scoffed. "Oh duh, social media."

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