Does She Have Social Media?

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It was Lindy Watson's first day off in two weeks, but she couldn't even sleep in because her mind was racing. She had to put off trying to contact her former friends while she was working, but now she finally had some spare time in her schedule and she was going to use it wisely.

As soon as she woke up she grabbed her laptop off the night stand beside her bed and opened it to search Google for her friends.

"Okay, let's see.. Garrett Spenger." She said out loud as she typed. She clicked on his Facebook profile when she saw his smiling face in his profile picture. "Huh, He looks good." Lindy smiled to herself.

"Okay, let's see here Garrett lives in Nevada now. His headline is Always a Spenger. Never a Spender.. Really?" Lindy rolled her eyes. "Whatever I'll just send him a quick message, or maybe I should send him a long one?"

Lindy started to type a message.

"Hey Garrett.. No that's too formal, we haven't talked in such a long time.. Uhh.. Dear Garrett?.. Definitely not!" Lindy groaned.

Garrett, it's Lindy- You know that because my profile picture is gonna pop up and Facebook is going to tell you who sent you a message.. Listen, Logan and I were talking and we really miss you guys. We were hoping that we could get together and talk things out.. I really hope to hear back from you.

"Well that was awful, but I can't think of a better way to word it." Lindy sighed. "Just two more friends to message, then I can go relax in a bubble bath and soothe my nerves." She took a deep breath and searched for her next friend in the Facebook search instead of Googling her.

"Jasmine Kang, hopefully it's still Kang. I don't know if Logan could take it if she got married." She muttered as she scrolled through until she saw Jasmine's profile picture. "Wow, she looks like a real party girl." Lindy stared with wide eyes at the picture of Jasmine holding up a peace sign and a red solo cup. She clicked on her name and saw her cover photo. Garrett's was just a nice sunset, but Jasmine's was her and a couple of guys doing shots. Plus her headline was Cardi B lyrics.

"What do I even say to her? Do I tell her this was Logan's idea or should I leave Logan out of it?"

"Hey girl!.. No.. Not that." Lindy sighed and scratched at her neck.

Jasmine, Logan and I were hoping to have a little get together with the old gang and talk things out. Let us know if you would agree to that. We understand if you don't, but we hope you consider it. Lindy.

"Whelp.. That's as good as that one is going to get. I might have to start with an apology when I message Delia or she might not even read it." Lindy sighed and blinked back her tears. "I can't believe I said that to her." She sucked in a breath and tried to shake off her nerves. Then she searched for Delia Delfano.

She saw a lot of women with the name Delia, but she didn't see her Delia anywhere. She started to wonder if Delia even had social media, but then she saw Delia, at least she was pretty sure it was Delia. The woman had straight hair, no glasses on, and her eyes were squinted with laughter from the man kissing her cheek. It kind of looked like Delia, but the last name featured wasn't Delfano.

When she clicked on the profile Lindy realized why her name was changed. Her cover photo was her in a beautiful white wedding dress standing beside the man kissing her cheek in her profile picture, his arm around her, a huge smile on both their faces.

"Woah! Delia got married?!" Lindy gasped in shock, then she sighed. "We weren't invited because we stopped being friends. We weren't there for one of her biggest days because we were too petty to make up sooner." She frowned. "All these years have passed. Why would it matter that we want to try to make things right now?"

Lindy licked her lips and sniffled. She was about to close her laptop and give up when she saw Delia's headline. "It's Never Too Late 😊."

Lindy took a deep breath and clicked on the message button.

Delia, I'm really sorry and I hope it's not too late to make things right. I understand if you never want to talk to me again, but we- I really miss you. Logan and I want to invite you to a get together that hopefully Garrett and Jasmine will come too also. We hope you can make it. Let me know what you think and if it's okay then we can work out a day and time later.

She thought about typing Love, Lindy but she didn't want to push.

She sent the last message and closed her laptop to go enjoy the rest of her day off from the vet.

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