The Fight That Ruined Them

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"I can't believe my best friend is a slut!"

"I can't believe you actually think so low of me Jasmine! Et tu, Lindy?"

"You're down here in Logan's arms?! What am I supposed to think, Delia?!"

"I honestly can't believe both of you are after my brother! Were you just using me this whole time to get to him?!"

"Are you serious?! We've been friends since we were kids! Do you actually think Jazz and I have wanted your brother since we were six years old?! Well maybe Jasmine did, but not me."

"Okay, girls, let's all calm down. Jazz, we weren't doing anything, okay?"

"I saw your arms around her! You looked like you were about to kiss before I came down the stairs and caught you!"

"We were not about to kiss!" Delia yelled. "Why don't you believe me?!"

"It's a little hard to believe when I saw it with my own eyes, Delfano!"

"Really Logan? Both of my best friends?! You already stole Jazz, did you have to go after Delia too?!" Lindy yelled.

"I didn't do anything! I hugged my friend Deels, that's it!" Logan shouted. "Jazz, please, believe me. Don't end us. Not like this." He frowned and tried to pull her closer, but she pushed him away.

"I know what I saw! You were cheating! With Delia of all people?!"

"No I wasn't! Believe me! Delia is gross! I would never go for someone like Delia!"

Delia frowned. "Really? You couldn't have just said you don't like me that way? You had to insult me. After what I just said-" Delia felt tears coming to her eyes and Logan felt horrible.

"No." He whispered as he walked over to her. "I didn't mean it like that. Deels, I-"

"Forget it, Logan. I was right." She moved away from him and leaned down to gather her stuff. "This really is the end." She put her books in her bookbag and swung it on her shoulder to leave.

"Where are you going?! I'm not finished with you!" Jasmine yelled after her.

"Let her go." Lindy huffed. "I can't believe she was just using me for my brother and my popularity."

Logan gasped. "Lindy! Don't say that!"

Lindy flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I don't know why I was ever friends with that weirdo anyway."

"Delia!" Logan shouted when he heard the door open. "She didn't mean it!"

"People don't say things they don't mean." Delia tried to hide her tears, but they were pouring out of her eyes.

Lindy looked back at her friend when she heard her sniffle and saw her crying more than the strong Italian girl had ever cried before. She immediately felt bad, but it was too late. Delia left.

Logan was the closest to the door and he was about to open it when he heard her cracking voice say his name.

"Lo-gan? If you go after her, we're done."

Logan looked back and saw that Jasmine was also crying, but he couldn't think of anything to say to make it better and he was too concerned about Delia to not go after her. He looked at the girl he loved, his girlfriend, and begged her with his eyes to understand, but he knew she wouldn't. "I'm sorry. I have to go."

As soon as he opened the door Garret walked into the room.

"What happened? I just saw Delia and she was crying, but she wouldn't talk to me?" He asked Logan since he was the closest person, then he looked at the other girls. "And Jasmine is crying? What's going on?" He asked with worry.

"Just a fight. I gotta go find Delia." Logan tried to push pass Garrett, but Garret stepped in the way. "Dude, move."

"Shouldn't you comfort Jazz?" Garrett asked in confusion. "Your girlfriend?"

"I'm not his girlfriend anymore!" Jasmine cried loudly. "We're done!"

Garrett gasped. "Oh, what happened?"

Logan looked heart broken, but he couldn't get what Delia said earlier out of his head. "I-I gotta go. Move out of my way, Garrett." He said sadly.

"No." Garrett shook his head. "What happened? What's going on? Why am I always left out?" He frowned.

"Dude. I don't have time for this."

"Yeah, let him chase after his new girlfriend!" Jasmine shouted.

Garrett gasped. "What?! Did you cheat on Jazz with Deels?! No way!"

"No! I didn't! Now move!" Logan was getting frustrated and in his haste to get out the door he shoved Garrett making him tumble to the floor by the couch.

"Garret!" Jasmine and Lindy called out and rushed over to him.

"What is your problem, Logan?!" Lindy shouted. "Ruining our friend group because you can't keep it in your pants!"

"Shut up, Lindy! Someone has to care about Deels since you don't anymore!"

Lindy scoffed. "What are you talking about? Delia is one of my best friends!"

Logan shook his head. "You've changed, Lindy. We all have and we hurt Delia."

Jasmine stood up and faced Logan. "And you hurt me." She sniffled. "Why is Delia more important than me?! I thought you loved me! I loved you!" She cried.

Logan felt tears coming to his own eyes, but he blinked them back. "Loved?"

"Logan, it's me or Delia? Tell me now."

Logan frowned. "Why does it have to be like this? We're all friends!"

"I'm not your friend, I'm your girlfriend!" She wiped at her eyes. "Or at least I was. I thought you cared about me."

"Of course I care about you, but I also care about Delia. She's our friend."

Jasmine crossed her arms over her chest. "She's not my friend, not anymore. And you're not my boyfriend anymore so do whatever you want!"

"Jazz-" Logan frowned. Part of him wanted to stay and make Jasmine understand how much he loved her, but another part of him wanted to catch up to Delia and make sure she was okay. "I'm sorry. I hope you'll understand."

He walked to the door and opened it. He was sure he could fix everything. He was sure if he caught up to Delia and then they explained everything to Jasmine that she would understand and they could get back together. That was what he thought, but he couldn't find Delia and the next day no one talked to each other. He didn't even know why Garret and Lindy weren't talking to each other.

Before he knew it five years had passed and they barely spoke a word to each other. It got worse when they graduated and truly went their separate ways. Now they were twenty-six and he managed to talk Lindy into reaching out to their friends and now he was excited that they had all agreed to meet up again.

"Where do you think we should ask to meet up?" Lindy asked beside him.

Logan was brought out of his thoughts. "Maybe a public place? Then again if we start yelling again?" He frowned.

Lindy hummed to herself for a minute. "What about.. the basement of mom and dad's place? We could ask them to let us have it for the weekend?"

"You wanna meet up where everything went down?!" Logan gasped.

"Well, before everything happened it was our place." Lindy sighed. "But maybe you're right.. maybe it's not our place anymore? How about your place?"

Logan sighed. "Nah, it's always a mess."

"You could clean it?"

Logan laughed. "Good one, Linds."

"Fine, I'll text them my address and we can meet here. My roommates are almost always out anyways. My next day off is this weekend, hopefully that works for everyone." Lindy shrugged.

"Saturday works for me."

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