Answer For Me

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"Who is Lindy Watson? She is H-O Double T!" He shouted out.

"Lindy?" Jasmine reached for her phone that her friend, Justin, was holding in his hands. "L-Lindy messaged me?" She looked at her message app and saw her former best friend's face on her phone.

"Oooh, I sense a story!" Justin gushed. "Spill all. I need details!"

Jasmine sighed. "She was my best friend, back when we were kids."

"That's not as juicy as I thought it would be.. what happened?"

Jasmine sighed and put down her phone without reading the message. "It's not important, just a fight, our whole group had a bad falling out and we haven't seen or talked to each other in five years. I'm gonna get a drink." She said as she walked over to her kitchen.

"It's 10am sweetie! Add OJ!"

"I will!" Jasmine shouted. "I'm not reading that! Answer for me!"

Justin sighed and grabbed her phone off the counter. "Alright, but if it's important don't shoot the answer-er." He chimed.

Jasmine, Logan and I were hoping to have a little get together with the old gang and talk things out. Let us know if you would agree to that. We understand if you don't, but we hope you consider it. Lindy.

Justin gaped at her phone. "Oh my god, Could that be the Logan? As in lost her virginity to this guy named Logan who was her BFF's brother?!" He squealed. "This is gonna be some dramaaaa.. and if I make her agree to this little gathering I will have deets for days. Oh, yes yes and yes!"

Yes, Lindy. I'll come to the group's get together. Just let me know when. And send.

"Ooh I am so bad sometimes!"

Jasmine came back with a tall mimosa in her hand. "So, what did she want and how'd ya answer?"

Justin grinned and flipped his blonde hair out of his eyes. "She wants to get together with your old gang and I said yes. Sounds like fun." He grinned, but Jasmine spit her orange vodka drink in his face making him gag. "Ewwww!"

"Are you out of your mind?! Why would you agree to that?!"

"Ooh, mad face." He pouted while wiping off his face with a nearby napkin. "Was I not supposed too? It sounds like it could be a fun time." He shrugged. "Plus it sounds like your BFF wants to work things out, but if you two manage to make up don't let your old BFF replace your new GBF."

"Right now I would replace you with anyone." She growled.

"Uh oh, scary face, but you wouldn't really replace me would you? Who else will drag you home when you get too drunk and tuck you in like the precious little girl you are?" He grinned at her.

Jasmine just kept glaring at him.

"Okay, okay. Yeesh. I was just trying to help, but I can send another text changing your mind if you really want me too." He huffed picking up her phone.

Jasmine sighed. "No. Forget it. I'll go. Thanks for nothing, Justin."

"Welcome doll." He smirked. "She'll message you again once the plans are finalized with everyone. Doesn't it sound like a lot of fun?"

"No. Not really."

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