The Only Girl Who Matters

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Garrett Spenger pushed his sunglasses on top of his head and grinned at the ladies on his right. "Let's see, do I hit or stand?"

They giggled batting their eyelashes at him, actually their eyes were focused more on the pile of chips in front of him.

He looked back at the man in the red vest and smirked. "Hit me."

The man laid a card down. "21. Blackjack." He stated making the girls beside Garrett cheer wildly.

Garrett grinned. "Oh yeah! That's 4,000 dollars richer than I was yesterday! Who wants some sex on beach?!" He winked at them. "I'm talking about the drink, but the other one is fine by me." He stood, one girl grabbing each arm, and walked away from the table through the casino and over to the bar to buy some drinks for his lady friends. He sat down at the bar flashing his wad of cash.

"I want a coconut drink, Garry." The blonde on his right pouted.

"I want a sex on beach!" The red headed woman exclaimed. "Both kinds." She whispered into his ear making his grin widen. "Gary."

"Oooh, I better watch out for you." He smirked at her, then he looked back at the bartender. "Get the ladies whatever they want."

"Garry, your phone lit up."

Garrett scoffed and picked up his phone off the bar. "Probably one of my many admirers. It's so hard to keep them off me sometimes." His cocky grin faded into a frown of confusion. He gulped seeing the blonde who he used to be friends with pop up on his message app.

"Gare, we already got our drinks. Let's head down to the beach." The red head said seductively.

Garrett stared at his phone ignoring the ladies with him. "Nah, I uh, I gotta deal with this, but I'll meet up with you two later." He said blowing them off.

"Who could be more important than us?" The blonde pouted.

Garrett waved them off, grabbed his cash, and headed out of the bar. He rushed down the hall just in time to catch the elevator.

"Riding solo?" The young man asked when he saw Garrett.

"Huh?" Garrett looked up from his phone. "Oh, uh, yeah. No girls tonight. I have stuff to do."

"Man, whoever she is she must be important to blow off those fine ladies! Ya know, I never thought you had anyone serious in your life. You always seemed like the man! Rolling up round here with all them chicks. Lookin supa fly!"

Garrett made a face. He watched the floor he was staying on light up. "Little tip, no one talks like that anymore." He said as the doors opened. "Girls don't like it."

The guy frowned, but Garrett didn't care as he rushed down the hall to his room. He put his key card in the door and clicked it open. He could have checked the message on his phone down at the bar, but he hadn't heard from her in years and he wanted to view her message in the privacy of his hotel room on his apple laptop.

He flicked on the light and walked over to his laptop, then he opened it and checked his Facebook page.

17 new messages

Gare, I'm waiting!

Garry poo! I want you!

Hey Greg i so wanna hook up again HMU 😘😘

If you wont slip into my dms I'll just have to slip into urs hey

Hey boo! Txt me!

Heyyyyyyyy babe!

Hey i miss you money! I mean honey darn auto correct lol

Garrett rolled his eyes and scrolled past all the other girls until he saw the one he wanted.

Lindy Watson

Garrett, it's Lindy- You know that because my profile picture is gonna pop up and Facebook is going to tell you who sent you a message..

He chuckled at her slightly awkward comment.

Listen, Logan and I were talking and we really miss you guys. We were hoping that we could get together and talk things out.. I really hope to hear back from you.

"Lindy and Logan miss me? Lindy misses me?" Garrett sighed. He set his hands up in the proper typing fashion and typed a response.

"Sure thing sweetie- No! Lindy isn't just some hook up on my phone. She's an old friend and she matters more than some late night booty call that wants me to pay for everything. She's Lindy."

My Dearest, Lindy. I miss you too. I would love to get together with you and Logan. It'd be nice to catch up. Just let me know when.

Garrett sent the message before he chickened out. He was about to close his laptop when he saw three dots pop up beside her name. "She's typing?!"

That's great! I can't wait to see you again! I haven't heard from Jazz or Deels, but I hope they come too.

Garrett gulped down his fear and let himself type an honest reply.

It would be nice to see them too, but you're the only girl who matters to me. I can't wait to see you again and catch up. I love you.

He deleted the last three words and sent the message to Lindy.

"Damn, why can't I say it? ..Maybe because it's too late." He sighed.

Awe, you matter to me too. 😊 I'll message you as soon as I have more details. I can't wait to catch up too! Love, Lindy ❤

"Love?! She wrote love?! LOVE?! And look at those cute emojis!!" Garrett took a deep breath. "Calm down. That's probably just how she types." He sighed. "Why did I have to realize how I felt about her after our group fell apart?"

To Garrett Spenger his childhood friend Lindy Watson would always be the one who got away.

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