Chapter 1

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Cronus watched the small troll that had caught his eye quite some time ago with a wry grin. He was definitely cute. Cronus had refrained from talking to him for fear of rejection, but Karkat was alone, wandering the dreambubbles and he seemed lost. 'Now's my chance' he thought. He strode confidently up to the lost looking Vantas and put on a charming smile upon reaching him. "What the fuck do you want?" Karkat questioned uncertainly, staring up cautiously at the taller troll.

"Vwell you looked kinda lost, I vwondered if ya needed some help. I don' think I'wve talked to ya yet, either." He was still gently smiling, although he really really wanted to hit on him.

"I don't need help, fucker." Karkat informed with a frown.

Cronus shrugged and turned on his heel walking in the opposite direction. After a moment he heard small footsteps behind him. Upon glancing back he was met with the sight of the small troll trudging along behind him, his arms crossed, watching Cronus expectantly. "Where are you going?" The small troll questioned curiously.

"My hivwe. Vwanna come vwith?" He answered back

Karkat nodded slowly. "Meenah told me about you. She said that you're a desperate loser creep and I should avoid you."

Cronus blinked slowly, an almost pained smile on his face. "Vwell, um... havwe you evwer heard of judging others yourself instead of taking others vword for it?" He reached the door of his hivwe and looked at him expectantly.

Karkat nodded slowly and looked at the rather large hive curiously.

Cronus smiled. "If ya vwanna come in, ya can."

"Okay, that sounds good, I guess... um vwhat are we gonna do?"

Cronus but back his smart remark and wink"Anythin' ya vwant. Vwe can vwatch a movwie, I guess." He opened the door and gestured for him to go first.

"Okay... a movies good." Karkat slowly walked in, looking around curiously. He stayed by the door though as Cronus came in and closed the door behind him, walking to the nutrition block.

Karkat followed hesitantly behind, standing uncertainly in the doorway. "Come on in here. Do you vwant candy or popcorn or somefin?"

"Uh... yeah. Popcorn's fine, thanks."

He moved closer inside and stood beside Cronus curiously.

"If ya vwant any candy there's some in that drawer owver there." He gestures towards the drawer and Karkat slowly nods, walking to it and opening it, rummaging through it curiously before pulling out a bag. "Vwhen I can convince Kanny ta come ovwer and vwatch a movwie, he alvways likes candy. It vwas easier just to get a whole drawver and stay stocked up "

Karkat smiles a bit at the thought and turned to him. "Yeah, Kankri's a candy freak. Its kinda funny sometimes."

Cronus nodded and took the popcorn out, putting it into a bowl and walking to the entertainment block, setting it down on the table with Karkat following close behind.

The greaser put on Grease, of course and sat down on the couch. Karkat sat down on the other end, pulling his knees up to his chest with a small frown. "What movie is this?"

Cronus smiled. "It's Grease, the best movwie ewver." He leaned back into the couch and Karkat opened his candy, eating a piece.

They watched the movie for a while, Cronus singing along quietly with the songs.

When they got to the scene where Danny and Sandy are dancing around in the gym, Cronus unexpectedly stands up and takes Karkats hand, pulling him up and twirling him around just like on screen, at which point Karkat starts laughing hysterically as Cronus spins, twirls and dances with him, grinning.

The scene ends and cronus moves back over to the couch with a grin. Karkat sits down beside him and Cronus turns to him. "ya cant tell me that vwasnt fun. ya just cant."

Karkat grinned. "That was actually a lot of fun."


Hey guys! So, yeah, there will be more chapters. This is based off an rp that is still in progress. Anyway, the next chapter should be up sometime this week! Also, I would like to give credit to centaursTestical, because they're the awesome person who I'm rping with!
~Love always, Sethy.~

What kind of afterlife doesn't include you? (Karkat x Cronus)Where stories live. Discover now