Chapter 3

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After a while they broke apart and Karkat leaned against him Cronus while the taller troll put an arm around him. "Grease actually wasn't that bad to be honest."

Cronus grinned and chuckled quietly. He looked at the candy that Karkat was still eating. "Betwveen you and Kanny I'm going to havwe to go on so many candy runs."

Karkat smiled and nodded. "We should watch one of my movies."

Cronus nodded. "Alright, Doll, but you'll havwe to go by your hivwe, 'cause I don't knowv if I have anything you like."

Karkat frowned and said, "You might have one. Can I check?" He looked at Cronus questioningly.

Cronus shrugged. "yeah, sure, I guess."

Karkat got up and began searching the shelves for a romcom that might have accidently been thrown in there and was very pleased when he found The Princess Bride. He held it up triumphantly for his matesprit to see. "This movie is the best ever. Well, apart from Fifty First Dates. We're watching it."

Cronus shrugged, actually surprised there was a movie he hadn't seen in there. "Alright, Kar. Let's vwatch it."

Karkat grinned and put in the movie, starting it and going to sit by Cronus with a small smile. Cronus took his hand and watched the movie with a small smile. "I have a question."

Cronus looked down at the small troll curiously and tilted his head, "yeah?"

Karkat bit his lip. "What do these do?" He touched one of his fins curiously and Cronus squeaked and jumped away, blushing a deep violet.

"Don't touch those, Karkat, they're like horns but ten times more sensitive."

Karkat blushed a soft red and looked away, letting his hand drop. "O-oh...Sorry."

Cronus shook his head. "No, it's fine, just dont do it again, okay?"

Karkat nodded. "Okay." He was still curious, but didn't question it. He slowly went back to his movie with a small smile and leaned into his matesprits side with a small smile. He waited for a few minutes then Cronus slowly leaned down and pecked his lips. Karkay blushed then smiled brightly and nuzzled nto his side with a satisfied expression.

Cronus slowly went back to the movie as Karkats eyelids got heavy. There was no harm in going to sleep here, was there? He slowly fell asleep, purring loudly.

And then the nightmares started.


Hey, guys. So, yeah, this is good, I guess. I have no excuse for being gone for a week. I've been pretty depressed and unproductive. I'm sorry. Anyway I promise I'll have the next part up in the next two days. Probably.

Love always, Sethy.

What kind of afterlife doesn't include you? (Karkat x Cronus)Where stories live. Discover now