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Hey, guys............ Okay, so I know those of you that are still reading are probably really pissed at me for not updating in so long. I am reallly sorry but I've been really busy and my new phone wouldn't get Wattpad and my laptop broke so all in all I was fucked. Not to mention finals happened shit. So, the only place I've been able tp do Wattpad was at school and I can't exactly write a gay smut chapter on their computers, can I? Especially if it's between two dead aliens. Oh, and, uh, the roleplay has taken an interesting turn. You guys'll be surprised, I'm sure. But, Jesus dicks, I've been busy. Yeah, though. Uh, do drugs, get eight hours of food every night, eat your sleep. Next chapter should be up in an hour or two. Sorry for the wait. Please don't come after me with pitchforks.
Love, Sethy.

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