Dark Yandere megalodon X Reader (un-edited)

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Name: (f/n)
Last Name: (l/n)
Age: mid to late twenties. Can be in thirties.
Occupation: marine scientist.
Martial status:
Single. (Formerly)
Dating (formerly)
Engaged (to be seen)

A/n: Please note I'll be using you, or you're a lot instead of by by inserting (f/n). Second, this chapter will be shorter than the previous one and un-edited. Without details or a name for the yandere or some of the characters, it was rushed to finish. I do not own the above image. It's the closest I can imagine the Meg yandere, with close resemblance to his two descendants and possibly his unknown baby descendants. (Who thankfully won't be yandere at all. )

Please take it easy on me. The first time ever, I wrote this subject ahead into this story. I hope you all enjoy it.


You had a great small group of friends that were like your family.

For years since your teens, you could never understand why you weren't drawn to guys, but they were to you. It wasn't until your graduation night that you'd gotten drunk and kissed a girl and liked it. You were confused at first, but it made sense that you were attracted to females. It took a while before you opened up to your friends, who accepted it as a part of who you are and supported you.

You were aware your parents didn't approve of the whole attraction to same genders, both genders, gender fluid, etc, and made sure to vote against them during a public voting poll.
You were afraid to tell him or her least have a negative response.

When you did. They had pokerfaces but could see the disgust in their eyes. They made it quite clear early on that they hadn't approved of you being attracted to the same gender.

Two years later, you started a relationship with the hot daughter of a CRO for a partner company. When your parents found out they began making threats, if you continued down this path, they'd disown you and remove out of the will. Wheras you met girlfriends father who supported your relationship.

Despite the fact you weren't single amymore. Your parents would select a man of their choosing, and they to set you up on dates with them in hopes of 'knock some sense and lesbianness out of you.' Other words break you both up.

One of your good cousins caught whiff my parents' plans and warned you before the first attempt. Managed to avoid getting involved in any affairs. But I became aware they were a bit toxic and crazy.

Despite that, you and your girlfriend continued dating. You were an adult and old enough to make your own decisions without their judgement. Including your relationships and expressed as such at a family dinner when they made snide remarks and name calling.

They decided to cut ties with you. It hurt they didn't support your relationship, but it hurt even more they'd go as far as attempt to ruin your relationship with the person you cared about and wouldn't stop their entitled behaviour.

Colleagues, friends, and most relatives supported you and the CEO himself much to surprise, supported your relationship, and took you side.

A year later, your girlfriend proposed and said yes and moved in together in an apartment to take the next level of your relationships.

Your fiancee was a lovely woman. Hardworking, stern in the outsidw but deep, deep down she was kind and gentle soul, a side she only showed ro people she cared about. She was your sun, your moon. You're everything. Due to being married in the fall of 2022.

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