First Request: YSS

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(This request is from @Animalsandadjectives... Hope you like it!)

Savanna sighed heavily as she flopped down onto the plaid couch in her tidy flat to rest her sore leg. "I'm so BORED..." She said absently, staring at her blank television screen with complete and utter disinterest.

It had been months since she had been shot on her little "excursion" with Anthoni, Sherlock and John. The latter two had returned to England, and Anthoni... Well, Savanna didn't know where she had gone, and it left... How could she put it? A bit of a void inside her innermost being.

Little did she know, things were about to get exciting.

Not long after Savanna decided to take a nap, a soft knock came from her green door.

"Probably the landlady..." Savanna mused, and she turned over on the couch, uninterested.

The knocking stopped, but only for a moment. Several seconds later, a harsh banging replaced the quiet knock, making Savanna jump.

"All right, all right! I'm coming already!" She yelled, stomping her black, leather booted feet across the hard wood floor and flinging open her door, an icy glare upon her face. "I know, I know, I'll pay the bill as soon as I..."

She trailed off as the figure outside her door lifted his head. He was tall, around the six foot two inches area, and wore dark sunglasses on his knit-cap covered face. His clothing was black, heavy and bulky, which irked Savanna; seeing as though she couldn't make a proper deduction without seeing at least something. She scoured his clothing for any signs of family life, but to her dismay, there were none. Not even a Yorkshire puppy hair. Savanna mentally face palmed herself for not using the peephole first.

"Miss Jackson?" He asked in a deep, American accented voice. She deduced at least that he was a black man, and of heavy build. Probably a security guard of some type.

"Who wants to know?" She asked, avoiding the question at hand. She wasn't keen on revealing herself to a bodyguard of whose employer she was unaware.

"Confidential." he simply said, pushing her out of the way and retrieving her long, black trench coat from the hook behind the door. He thrust both it and her navy blue scarf, (of which John had so kindly cleaned and sewn back together for her) into Savanna's pale hands. Her knee-high boots were already on, as he clearly noted.

As she pulled on her coat and looped her precious scarf around her neck, the man took her arm and dragged her out of her flat and down the hallway.


Savanna looked up at a certain restaurant as the black limo carrying the security guard drove away. Dust stung her eyes (at least, she says it's dust) as she peered forlornly at the run down building.


Savanna took a deep breath and pushed open the creaking door. She walked inside as if in a trance. The maroon carpet was layered in dust, and the tables were swathed in grime. The wallpaper was faded, and the swinging double doors that led to the kitchen were hanging from their hinges. Savanna began to slowly walk forward, when a familiar voice rang out from a specific table.

The table she and Anthoni had sat at the night of the mass murder.

"Hello Savanna."

Savanna turned to see the last person she had ever expected: Anthoni Lewis.

"Hello Anthoni." She stated, as coolly as she could possibly muster. She took halting steps and came up beside her red headed nemesis, who had her fingers folded neatly in front of her on the one grime free table.

"Please, continue standing by all means." Savanna's blue eyed counterpart said mockingly.

"Oh, but I wouldn't want to please you," The brunette said, occupying the seat across from Anthoni. "So."


"Why'd you bring me here?"

"Oh, that." Anthoni said, leaning back casually in her seat. "Can't old friends visit one another?" She smiled.

Savanna, on the other hand, scowled. "Not after disappearing for months. Not after leaving your "old friend" to wonder where on God's green earth you had bloody gotten to!" She yelled, pounding one fist on the table.

Anthoni made a tsking noise with her mouth. "You know, a scowl really isn't becoming on you."

Savanna scoffed, and Anthoni smirked. "On a lighter note," the redhead added after a slight pause, "I do have something that would cheer you up."

Savanna looked up slowly, feigning boredom. "Which would be?"

Anthoni laughed. "You always were a terrible faker. I'm asking you to go on an adventure with me."



So that's my first one shot! If you're confused as to what YSS (Yellow Skittle Sociopaths,) is, check out the book I'm writing with @Animalsandadjectives. That should clear everything up!

Don't forget to send me your requests!

Vote. Comment. Share!


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