Draco Malfoy #1

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(This request is from @TheWarlock2101 :) )

Isabelle Granger, Hermione's sister, sprinted down the corridors of lower Hogwarts, making a mad dash for the dungeons; she was late for potions class. Her wavy, honey golden hair streamed out behind her and her deep brown eyes were watering from the cold air. Having forgotten to feed her white Persian cat, Dove, she had to rush back into her common room after Transfiguration with McGonnagal, dump some food into a bowl, give Dove an affectionate (but quick) petting, and run over to the dungeons.

"This is why mother and father love Hermione so much... she's always on time..." She muttered angrily under her breath as she pushed open the door and found that Snape had already begun lessons. The potions professor and head of her house merely glanced up, pointed to the only empty seat in the room, and looked back at the blackboard, where he was writing the ingredients for today's potion.

Isabelle froze in her tracks when she saw who the other occupant of the seat was. Ron Weasley.

It wasn't like Isabelle hated Ron or anything, it's just that, well, she was a Slytherin, and he was a Gryffindor. Inherently, they weren't supposed to get along, but they did. Just as friends.

Isabelle began to walk towards him, and set her books on the desk while sliding onto the seat, making sure she was as far away from him as possible. Just because they were friends outside of class didn't mean they could inside.

"Hi Isabelle." he muttered almost incoherently.

"Hello Ronald." She said just as quietly, unaware of a certain Malfoy's eyes burning holes into the two of them.


Ron and Isabelle were the last to leave the potions classroom as the bell rang. They walked up the corridor and finally made it to the main entrance to lunch. Just as they were about to enter, Isabelle screamed.

"What? What is it?" Ron nearly shouted, whirling around to see a really huge, really ugly spider on the doorframe. He bit his lip, pulled Isabelle behind him, and smashed it.

Isabelle breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Ron." she said quietly, giving him a brief hug.

Suddenly, Draco Malfoy stormed up behind them and pulled Isabelle down the corridor and into a secluded corner, away from prying eyes. "Draco, what are you-" she started to say, but stopped as Draco pushed her up against the wall.

"Don't do that again. Ever." He demanded, his gray eyes stormy and hard.

"You idiot! I didn't do anything!" Isabelle shouted at her housemate, trying to push him away, but he held her there firmly. "Let me go, you bloody-" but he cut her off, placing his lips on hers. She tried to break away, but the wall kept her in place. Draco didn't move to free her; he pressed closer, and Isabelle eventually caved, melting into him.

When they finally broke apart for air, Draco leaned his forehead against hers, breathing heavily. "I love you, Isabelle Granger. I can't stand seeing you touch any other man but me."

Isabelle chuckled sarcastically. "You're not a man you fool, you're only sixteen." At this, Draco growled and Isabelle laughed, kissing him lightly on the lips and whispering in his ear, "But I still love you all the same."



Ooookay so this is really the first "romance" story I've ever written... I hope you liked it @TheWarlock2101! I did my best :)

I love writing these one shots, so keep sending requests!

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