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(One of my great friends and I wrote this as an RP with our original characters. 20 is a Doctor we made up for Doctor Who, and Emily is his traveling companion).

20 groans and carries Emily inside, kicking stuff around on the floor and trying to keep calm. "Come on, Emily! Wake up! For me?" He brushes a loose strand of hair out of her face and tucks it behind her ear. He lays her down in a fancy TARDIS recliner and sighs, brushing his fingers over her cheek.

She groans, somehow hearing 20's voice, but she's too weak to open her eyes and let him know she's okay.

"Yes, that's it, come on Em. Stay awake. Stay awake!" He shakes her lightly, hoping to somehow spark a little life in her.

She tries to make a sound, but her voice feels lost; buried. Her muscles are stiff, deeming her unable to move.

"I know you're in a lot of pain, Emily, but you need to wake up... Now!" He shakes her one last time before letting her rest on the recliner. She manages to lift a finger feebly, but it seems to drain all of her energy and she stills.

20, not knowing what else to do, stands back and retrieves a bandage for her leg. After dressing her wound he stands over her, his hands on his hips. "There's gotta be some way to wake you up...." He muses. He puts a hand to his chin and uses the other hand to adjust his glasses absently. An idea suddenly sparks in his head, and his eyes glitter as he leans in closer to her. "Emily, there ARE other ways to make you wake up... And I WILL use them, if you don't comply...." He smirks. Several seconds pass and he can't suppress the growing anxiety inside himself.

"Emily..." He whispers, smiling slightly and playing with her hair, "I don't know what you want from me..." He breaks off for a moment, seeming to compose himself. "...but I do know what I want..."

When she doesn't respond, 20 shrugs and lifts her chin, gently grazing his lips over hers. He kisses lightly at first, placing his hand at the back of her head. As she continues to lie still, however, he deepens the kiss in an attempt to wake her up. He suddenly feels her lips begin to move ever so slightly against his, though the rest of her lies still and limp in the recliner.

He smiles into the kiss, feeling the effort she's putting in to kiss back. He chuckles in acknowledgement and deepens the kiss even more as he runs his fingers through her hair. She kisses back a little harder, moaning a bit when she feels his hand in her hair. The corners of her lips turn up slightly into a smile.

He laughs a bit more and breaks the kiss, only momentarily. "Would it be appropriate to welcome you back yet, or do you need more motivation?"

Her eyes slowly flutter open as she raises her hand to the back of his head. "A little more...." She whispers, her voice quiet from lack of use.

20's head falls slightly forward, just barely touching Emily's lips with a smile on his own. "I don't know if 'a little more' is gonna be enough... Not in your condition...." His hand falls to the small of her back as he kisses her again lightly.

"Well then, I guess you'd better heal me, Doctor." She tangles her hands in his hair and pulls him closer to her, pressing her lips to his. He stifles a chuckle and holds her tight, moaning softly as his only response. She smiles into the kiss and keeps one hand at the back of his head, while the other hand trails down his arm and onto his chest, where she can feel his heartbeats.

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