Astronomy Tower at Midnight (HP request)

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(This chapter is dedicated to @Animalsandadjectives... Hope it's good!)

Draco and Gabriella walked down the hallways of Hogwarts to the courtyard, where they were expected to meet their friend, Lysander. Because it was Saturday, the unlikely trio of two Slytherins and a Ravenclaw were headed down to Hogsmead for a much needed day out.

Once the blond haired, blue eyed seventeen year old was in sight, Gabriella ran forward, hugging him tightly. Because he was a year older than her and in a different house, she didn't get to see him often. Draco continued to walk casually, wolf-whistling as he did. If he had to be honest, he shipped Gabi and Lysander like Fed-Ex. (Get the reference Caroline? Get it? Lol XD)

Gabi rolled her blue eyes as Lysander ruffled her short red hair, which was longer in the front and shorter in the back. "You two ready to go?" He asked.

"No, I thought we were gonna stay here and hunt hippogriffs." Gabi said sarcastically, resulting in a laugh from Lysander and a scowl from Draco.

"Oh come on Draco! You're not still sore about that bloody Buckfeet or whatever his name was!" Lysander said jokingly, bumping his friend's shoulder with his fist.

Draco just rolled his eyes and stalked off, leaving Gabriella and Lysander to walk alone, hand in hand, to


About halfway to the little village, and after a couple minutes of silence, Lysander spoke up.

"How're things with your family going?"

Gabriella shrugged and said nothing.

"Come on Gabi, you've gotta tell someone sooner or later." He prodded.

The red head sighed. "Okay... I choose later."

The truth was, things weren't going so well. Her older sister of two years, Darcy, who was a Gryffindor, had decided to pick another fight with her the week before, saying that her hairstyle was too different. The two sisters were currently on non-speaking terms. Gabriella's parents were still attempting to get her to switch houses (one was a Hufflepuff, the other a Ravenclaw) and it was truly starting to grate on her nerves. If she was a Slytherin, she was a Slytherin. They'd just have to deal with it.

Lysander grinned and pointed to a small cafe. "You wanna go in? Its lunch time."

"Yeah, sure." Gabriella said half heartedly, and followed Lysander inside.

"What can I get you two today?" a cheery, plump witch in a waitress outfit asked as the two students entered.

"Hmm... What's on the menu?" Lysander asked pleasantly.

"We've got lasagna as the special today, so many students have been complaining about the sandwiches..." The waitress replied irritably, and Lysander nodded.

"That'll work. We'll take two plates." The waitress smiled and led Gabriella and Lysander towards a small booth near the back of the cafe.

After writing something quickly on her clipboard, she bustled away through the swinging doors and into the kitchen.

Gabriella took this time to glance at her surroundings. It was a simple cafe, really, with wooden walls, white tables, and a red carpeted floor. Small figurines chased one another I'm the window: A shepherd with his flock of sheep, dragons wrestling with their trainers, and witches and wizards dueling one another.

But while Gabriella became suddenly obseesed with the figures in the window, Lysander was transfixed on something entirely different. He wasn't interested in silly statues, no, he was watching Gabriella's eyes. The way they sparkled in the dim lighting of the cafe. The way she pushed her hair up out of her face and behind her ear. She was beautiful... And now he had to figure out how to tell her.


Later that night, Gabriella and Draco were walking back to their dormitory when a harsh hooting sounded from behind them.

"What are you doing inside the castle?" Gabriella quietly scolded as an tawny owl landed on her shoulder and held out its leg. Attached was a small roll of parchment. As soon as she unclasped the paper, the owl flew away, and she and Draco continued their walk to the Slytherin dorm rooms.

"What's that?" Draco asked mischievously as he opened the door.

"I dunno." was his simple answer as Gabriella walked through the door and up the stairs to the girls section. "Good night, Draco."

She barely heard him reply when she shut the door and flopped onto her bed. Luckily her other dorm mates were asleep and didn't hear a thing.

"Lumos." She whispered, and her wand tip lit up, illuminating the piece of parchment. Unrolling it, she saw a hastily written note.

I have something urgent to tell you. Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at midnight."

That was it. And while Gabriella's interest was peaked, she wasn't sure of how she should respond. What if this was Draco trying to pull a trick on her?

Only one way to find out.

"Nox," she whispered, and the light was eliminated, the darkness of the room encompassing her completely.


Gabriella pushed open the trap door to the Astronomy tower at five minutes to twelve. No reason why she shouldn't be early you know. Fully armed with her wand, she gazed about the room, looking for the sender of the note.

"Where are you?" she called out, illuminating her wand once more and pointing the light into the shadows.

"Here," said a deep voice behind her, and she whirled around, pointing her wand at none other than Lysander.

"L-Lysander? What's going on?" Gabriella asked, arching an eyebrow. "Why did you bring me here at this bloody hour? Do you realize how late it is?"

Lysander nodded and stepped closer to her. "Yeah, I know."

"Then what's the big idea?"

Two steps closer.


Finally Lysander was directly in front of Gabriella, and her back was up against the wall. "I had to tell you something." he stated sheepishly.

"And what's that?" Gabriella asked, her heart thudding in her chest as her eyes grew wide. Could he really be about to do the very thing she had been wishing for for years?

Yes. Yes he was. Quicker than a flash of lightning, Lysander leaned down and captured Gabriella's lips with his. Gabriella smiled into the kiss and immediately kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck and running her fingers through his blond hair.

Finally, when neither of them could continue without air, they broke apart, gasping.

"I... Love... You," Lysander said quietly, leaning his forehead on Gabriella's. "I just didn't know how to tell you before."

Gabriella grinned so widely she thought for a moment her face would split. "I love you too." she replied, and crashed her lips to his, sealing it.



So it's like one o'clock in the morning so please excuse me if the fluffiness became diluted or something but I really want sleep now. And I really wanted to finish this story before school tomorrow haha. I hope you like it @Animalsandadjectives... I'll play grammar nazi in the morning lol.

Oh wait.

It already is morning.

Never mind then.

I'll play Grammar Nazi in a couple hours.

Vote. Comment. Share!

~One very tired Miluiel

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